4. Klaus, The Boy Who Cried Wolf

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A/N: Please vote and comment. I know the updates have been very slow, but tbh with the amount of stories and accounts I have, I kinda just forgot about this one. But I'll try to get some more chapters out by the end of the month.


Klaus accepted his death when it came. He cursed himself for not being able to be a better father. He ever only wished to make his daughter happy. If he could, Klaus would have done so many things differently. He would have been a better father, a better brother... by hell, if Klaus could fool himself long enough to believe there was any hope, any chance–in any universe–for Mikael to love him as his own, Klaus would have even tried to be a better son...

But when his time came, he faced death with his favorite brother, his dearest friend. With all the regrets, all the guilt, Klaus closed his eyes. At least his death would keep his daughter, and the surviving Mikaelsons' siblings, safe and sound.... or so he thought.

He expected little from the afterlife. Part of him feared some kind of hellish place–he had been quite the monster, both towards his family and towards every poor soul who was unlucky enough to be an inconvenience in his path for a millennium. Yet Klaus did not allow himself to think much about it. He had learned, from living with the worst version of Mikael, that fear was useless. It only ever made things worse.

So, no. Klaus was not afraid when, after his death, he opened his eyes again. The warm blanket around him was nice, the tender way he was being held was perfect. The peace he felt, for the first time in years, it was more–it was much better than anything Klaus could have ever dreamed to find after his death.

It almost made him wish he had died sooner. Almost... That is how perfect it all seemed.

But to see Mikael, the man who had hunted him down for centuries–or at least a version of him; a younger and kinder looking version–staring down at him with a large and joyful smile....

If Klaus still had all his memories from his original life intact, he would have died, screamed, and used all the non-existent strength in his baby legs to kick Mikael away from him.

Fortunately for everyone, Klaus's memories quickly slipped away from his infant mind. The memories were not entirely lost, simply locked away in a safe and dark place. In its place, there was only a vague feeling of loneliness, lack of self-worth and, most of all, fear.

Little baby Niklaus Mikaelson, (re) born in 1974, was terrified of his father, Mikael.

He was not afraid Mikael would harm him, not yet, at least. No. Little Klaus had a deadly fear his father would leave him, reject him...

Because of this, Klaus Mikaelson proved himself to be the most troublesome child of the Mikaelson house–so far, at least (since little Kol had not been reborn yet).

Klaus could not sleep unless Mikael was the one to tuck him in bed, singing or coming up with a story, or simply holding Klaus until he fell asleep. He would not eat unless Mikael was the one to cook and feed him. He was only happy when his father reminded little Klaus how much he loved him again and again.

Klaus was always afraid that on some fateful day, his father would look at him and no longer love him...

His fears only grew as Klaus got taller and his memories slowly came back.

Fortunately for everyone, this time Klaus was being raised by the kindest version of Mikael.

This version of Mikael could wash away all his children's fears, showering them in love, care and unearthly dedication.

But was his love enough to keep away the monsters from his children's past and future lives?


A/N: It's a bit short, I know. But these are just their introductions. Klaus and Mikael will have a fun dynamic in this. Please vote and comment!

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