Animal Facts - Wroetobezh

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The couple were laying on the couch, Harry laying on his back while Ethan rested his head in the blonds chest. Both were watching a movie, when suddenly a penguin scene shows up, Ethan looks at Harry and says:

“Did you know that when male penguins fall in love, they give that female penguin the most beautiful, smooth rock ever. And if the female penguin accepts, she usually puts it on her nest or bed if you will”

Harry pauses the film and look at his lover in disbelief, “how do you know that?” He asked, not only did he randomly said that but he also knew that which makes the situation even more confusing.

Ethan didn’t answer, instead he took something out of his pocket and gave it to Harry. It was a rock, a smooth one, he’ll note. Harry resumes the film with a grin on his face.

After the movie finished, Harry put the rock on his nightstand.
Harry laid down next to Ethan, both of them were at the gingers apartment. The lights were already off the remaining light source being the lamp. Harry was on the left, meaning the lamp was closer to him.

He was about the turn it off, when suddenly Ethan grabs his hand. “did you know sea otters hold each other’s paws as they fall asleep so they don’t drift apart” said Ethan as he interlocked his and Harry’s hand together.

Harry turns off  the light, “well don’t let go of my hand, cause I you do I’ll slip away” said Harry, inching his face near Ethan’s. “don’t worry baby, I don’t have plans of letting go” said Ethan, closing the gap between them. It wasn’t a kiss, more of a long peck but Harry wasn’t complaining.
In the end, Ethan never let go of Harry’s hand even when morning came.
“Baby cakes!” said Ethan as he hugs Harry from behind who’s eating cereal. Harry let out a groan, “stop calling me names!” he exclaimed, the names were annoying but he didn’t mind them but he wasn’t going to tell that of course.

Ethan let’s out a laugh and says, “Dolphins have names for each other, making them the only animal besides us people, that are able to identify fellow creatures with a distinct sound.”

Ever since, Harry has never complained about the names Ethan calls him.
Harry and Ethan were at the park, both holding hands. As they walk, they saw swans who swam together beak-to-beak and never breaking their bond.

Harry coos at the sight, Ethan gripped his hand tighter as he says, “Swans swim beak-to-beak and tend to stay together forever.” Their eyes meet. Green adoring eyes met with ocean blue ones.

“Let’s hold hands and stay together, yeah?” Harry smiles, causing Ethan smile as well. “yeah sure”
Both walked off hand to hand and not letting go until they got to the apartment.

Harry was on the couch, watching a lion documentary. Then Ethan came and sat next to him, Ethan turns to him and says, “I wish I were a lion” “why? So no one can approach you because your king?” Harry asks, he knew how egoistic his boyfriend could get.

“Nah because—” Ethan leans to Harry, his mouth to the blonds ear, “— I wanna fuck you for 20 hours straight” Harry blushes as he bonks Ethan on the head.

Always had a head cannon of Ethan randomly saying animal facts

Also I'm not posting KSImon and I'm uploading 😳


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