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Author's Note:
Hello!!! I hope you had a wonderful celebration and happy reading!

JJ was in the middle of filming, when his door opened. It was Simon. He's wearing black jeans and a white SDMN shirt, a bit fancy if he's just staying at home, was he going somewhere?

"You got that cologne, you always wear JJ?" The blond asks, fixing his hair as he waits for a reply from the other man. JJ didn't reply to the question, rather he asked his own question. "Where are you going?" "About to meet up with a girl I matched with, so you got that cologne or..?" Simon says, this time they made eye contact.

Simon didn't miss the look of betrayal in JJ's eyes, or was it betrayal? He knows he's being delusional but there was something about that look in JJ's eyes, making him wonder if there's something deeper.
None of them break the prolonged eye contact, they hadn't talked about the night before. New years eve, he and JJ together as they waited for the countdown, and as soon as the clock hit twelve, Simon felt JJ's lips against his.

JJ was the first to break the silent tension, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Wanna talk about last night?" He said, not meeting Simon's eyes. JJ is a confrontational person, he's never had trouble with confronting people with how he feels about them, but this was different. What he felt towards his best friend is different.
He knew the feeling wasn't platonic. If imagining Simon sucking his cock counted as platonic, then he can say he's had so many platonic dreams about the blond.

It was rare but JJ could see the panic in Simon's eyes. Simon is the epitome of 'all bark no bite', but you couldn't blame him, he liked to prioritize his safety over anything else and being confrontational risked what he's trying to protect. 

He and Simon were so different from each other yet clicked like peanut butter and jelly. If Simon was the moon, then JJ would be the sun. If Simon was a cat, JJ would be the dog. They complemented each other in ways that both were unaware of.
Simon releases a breath he didn't think he held. "Where should we start? When you kissed me or when you ran away like a coward after?" Simon retorts, crossing his arms.

JJ bit his tongue, "Y'know I had a reason—" "What reason?" Simon interrupts JJ, his words filled with wonder and frustration. It was reasonable, who wouldn't be pissed if their best friend just kissed them and ran away like a coward leaving you flustered and dumb?

Now JJ really had thought about a reason, well he did have one but he just can't say 'i kissed you because I saw a girl checking you out, also because I really want to fuck you but also want to cuddle you and treat you better than any partners you've ever had'.
He was silent, as he tried to think of another reason but he just couldn't find one. Well, it's a new year right? If he gets rejected, then he'll leave it at that. But like all pennies, there's always another side.
What if it works out? Would they be something more? 

Simon clears his throat, "Well? I don't have all day." He says, getting more frustrated as each second goes by. He's already ruined so many relationships he has with people, why not this one?
It was JJ's turn to let out a shaky breath. His words caught up in his throat, doing it's best not to come out but he managed anyway. He turns his chair away from Simon, facing the wall.

"I did it because I..think I like you…?" It came out more of a question than a statement really. The lack of response made his heart beat even quicker, he could feel himself get the cold sweat as he nervously waited for a reply.

"You mean it?" Simon asked, he asked so quietly that JJ was sure he'd miss it if he wasn't paying any attention. "Yes''. He replied, he still wasn't facing Simon, he's too embarrassed to let the blonde see how red he is.

He heard footsteps approaching him, then he was facing Simon. "Tell me," Simon said, inching his face closer, "You like me". A wildfire burned his bare cheeks, he swallowed. "I like you, Simon."
Simon smirks, there he is. "How much?" The blond asked as his knee parted JJ's legs, as he supported himself by the armchair on either side of the gaming chair.
Their faces were so close now, JJ could see Simon's hot breath on his face.

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