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bindey boy goes to town

wooooo new chapterrrr


tw: unsafe binding, mentions of stimming, mentions of afab chest, minor swearing ( please tell me if i missed any or any are wrong, stay safe <3 )

It didn't take Ranboo long to walk to the train station, his long legs helping speed up his walk. He soon arrived at the station and walked down the stairs. He scanned his card and walked through the gates to the platform where his train would shortly arrive, according to the screen shining above him. Leaning against a seat, he scrolled through his phone, changing the playlist he was listening to, to his main character playlist and scrolling through twitter until his train arrived. He walked over and hopped on, taking a seat that had no one sitting next to it. The train ride wasn't long so he just sat there, fidgeting and vibing to his music.

It wasn't long before the train pulled into his stop and he hopped off. There was considerably more people at this station, which made him lightly anxious but he took a deep breath and walked as fast as he could without getting weird looks and arrived on the street. He quickly adjusted his mask before heading off to the mall. He didn't need many things, just some deodorant that smelled less feminine, shampoo and conditioner, things like that. The mall was a few blocks away so Ranboo enjoyed the city and the warm air as he walked, feeling very much like a main character in that moment. Although his chest felt tight and it was slightly harder to breathe than normal, he was fine, he could last for a while longer. He soon arrived and walked in through the main entrance. The air conditioning was a relief after the humid air outside. Immediately Ranboo headed toward the pharmacy. As he strolled through the aisles, looking for shampoo and conditioner, he stopped.

"Uh, excuse me?" a small voice came from behind him. He turned around and saw a young person with long dark hair pulled back into two dutch braids. Ranboo pulled out one of his headphones before replying.


"Are- Are you Ranboo?" Ranboo stood there in slight shock. Had this person recognized him?

"Y-yeah, I..I am."

"Oh my god! Can I get a photo?"

"I- sure!" The person pulled out their phone and Ranboo bent down for them to take the photo.

"I'm Nico! They/he."

"It's nice to meet you, Nico. As you know, I'm Ranboo, he/him but I'm fine with they/them or like any neopronouns." Nico's eyes lit up behind their mask.

"I- Can I get a hug? If you're comfortable with that-"

"Yeah! Totally!" Ranboo wrapped his arms around Nico, who was significantly shorter than him, and the two hugged. When they let go Nico had a huge grin on his face that was visible under their mask.

"Well, thank you for that, Ranboo. And thank you for streaming, you have done so much for me. Thank you."

"It's my pleasure." Nico gave him one last grin before walking away but before they left the aisle, they paused.

"Are you comfortable with me showing people the photo?" they asked. Ranboo smiled even though they couldn't see behind his mask and glasses.

"Yeah, that's fine. Thanks for asking."

"Thanks. Bye!" Ranboo waved as Nico left, unable to wipe the smile from his face. Someone had recognized him! An actual person had recognized him! Ranboo couldn't stop himself from happy stimming. Little did they know, Nico had just made his day. Ranboo continued walking through the pharmacy, choosing a shampoo, conditioner and deodorant before paying and leaving. After checking the time, he decided he would walk around the city and to the beach, maybe call Tubbo and just enjoy his last full day in the US for four months. After his playlist finished he decided he would call Tubbo, because he wouldn't be spending enough time talking to him over the next four months. The older picked up after only two rings.

"Ranbooooooooo my mannnnnnn." A smile immediately formed on Ranboo's face.

"Hi, Tubbo," he laughed.

"Wait where are you? It sounds funny."

"I'm in town."

"Hold on hold on. You're outside????"

"Yes I am."

"Did you touch grass yet?"

"Tubbo, I'm in an American city. Do you seriously expect grass to be anywhere?"

"I've never been to America.."

"You need to come over. I'll give you a tour! Wanky."

"Oh shut the fuck up."


"Ok that's it, you're not coming to the UK anymore."


"What's the magic word."

"I already booked the flights, dickhead."

"I can not allow you access into the house, leave you stranded at Heathrow."

"But you wouldn't do that."

"You never know. You don't know that I wouldn't stab you as soon as I saw your 6'7" ass."

"Your hands can probably barely even reach my ankles."

"Shhhhh. Not important." Ranboo giggled and the two fell into a comfortable silence as Ranboo walked. He saw water on the horizon and knew he was close to the beach. He sped up slightly and hurried to the water's edge. He didn't regret this until he reached the sand and it had become increasingly harder to breathe with the tight bandaging around his ribs. Tubbo obviously noticed this.

"Dude, are you ok? You sound like you're dying." How was Ranboo going to explain this, he couldn't just tell Tubbo 'oh yeah I can't breath properly because I have bandaging around my tits I want to chop off but my mother won't let me'.

"Oh yeah, I- i'm fine. Just having some trouble breathing."

"You better not be sick."

"No no no, it's nothing like that. Just my lungs being weird."

"Alright.." Ranboo sat himself down on the sand and watched the waves crash on the shore. He'd always loved the beach, it calmed him. He was excited to be living in Bognor Regis which was right next to the beach.

The two friends talked for a long time. So long that Ranboo didn't want it to ever end. The only reason they had to stop was because Ranboo got a text. A text from Rin.



you should get home as soon as you can



what happened?



she's pissed af

that you've been gone for so long



i'll head back now

but I'm at the beach so it'll take a while



see you soon

"Tubbo, I gotta go, my mom is apparently pissed. Talk to you later."

"Bye bye, Boo!"

"Bye!" Ranboo hung up the phone and pushed himself to his feet, wincing at the stabbing pain in his ribs. He had to ignore it. He had to get home so his mom wouldn't murder him.

Why was his mom so mad? It had only been a few hours.

hi chat!

how are you doing today? i hope you're doing well and i hope you enjoyed the chapter :]

remember to eat something (even if it's small), drink some water and bind safely if you bind! you are so so so valid and so so so loved. life may seem tough and like it's not worth it but i promise you that it is so so so worth it and there are always people who want to help you and care about you. don't give up, stay strong. i love you so much <3

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