Vol.1 Ch.1: Welcome, Argonaut

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Within the confines of the Dungeon's 9th Floor, sparks of weapons clashing illuminated the darkened chamber. The resounding echoes of blades colliding reverberated off the dungeon walls, creating a symphony of combat that enveloped the entire floor. Bell Cranel, a 14-year-old adventurer with hair as white as freshly fallen snow and ruby-red eyes, clashed with a crimson-pelted Minotaur. The beast's howls and Bell's determined grunts filled the air as they engaged in a fierce battle of wills.

Despite Bell's agility and skill, the Minotaur matched him blow for blow. The two adversaries were locked in a relentless struggle, each refusing to yield an inch. Bell's frustration grew with every exchanged strike, his inability to deliver a decisive blow evident.

On the sidelines, a group of seasoned adventurers from Loki Familia observed the intense duel. The blonde Prum, Finn Deimne, known as Braver and Captain of the Loki Familia, watched with keen interest. Beside him stood the jade-haired High-Elf, Riveria Ljos Alf, also known as Nine Hell, the Vice-Captain of the Loki Familia. The golden-haired Demi-Spirit, Aiz Wallenstein, renowned as the Sword Princess, observed the battle with a discerning eye. Bete Loga, the gray-haired Werewolf, known as Vanargand, maintained his stoic demeanor as he analyzed the unfolding fight. The black-haired Amazoness Sisters, Tiona and Tione Hiryute, Amazon and Jormungand respectively, exchanged glances as the battle continued.

Bell's supporter, the chestnut-haired Prum Liliruca Arde, anxiously observed the ongoing struggle, her eyes flickering between the combatants. The tension in the air was palpable as the fate of the battle hung in the balance.

Finn Deimne, the Braver, observed with a critical eye, his hand resting on the hilt of his spear. "That boy's got potential," he remarked, his voice carrying a mix of approval and concern. "His reflexes, countering, and evasion are remarkable."

Riveria Ljos Alf, the Nine Hell, elegantly observed the fight. "His agility is also remarkable, but he lacks the strength to make a significant impact," she noted, her tone analytical.

Aiz Wallenstein, the Sword Princess, watched with a focused gaze. Her golden hair flowed like a cascade as she leaned slightly forward. "He's holding his own, and that monster is formidable, but I know he can win this," Aiz commented, her words carrying the weight of experience.

Bete Loga, the Vanargand, crossed his arms and snorted. "Kid's too green. Strength matters more than flashy moves in the end," he muttered, his gray eyes narrowing.

Tiona and Tione Hiryute, the Amazon and Jormungand, exchanged glances. Tiona grinned, her enthusiasm apparent. "He's putting up a good fight! He reminds me of the Argonaut!" she exclaimed, her excitement contrasting with her sister's more reserved expression.

Liliruca Arde, Bell's Supporter, stood nervously among the experienced adventurers, her chestnut hair partially covering her eyes. She clenched her fists, silently cheering Bell on.

The battle continued, Bell's movements becoming more desperate as he sought a way to break through the Minotaur's defenses. The Loki Familia executives watched intently, their collective experience providing a wealth of insights into the dynamics of the battle.

As the clash unfolded, the fate of Bell Cranel hung in the balance on the 9th Floor of the Dungeon, his determination pitted against the formidable might of the crimson Minotaur. As the clash continued, Bell dodged another strike with agility but failed to land a substantial blow. The Minotaur's howl echoed through the chamber, a challenge that spurred Bell on. The young adventurer gritted his teeth, determination burning in his eyes.

"I won't give up," Bell declared, his voice carrying a resolute tone that echoed through the dungeon. "I'll become stronger, and I'll surpass my limits!" With renewed determination, he leaped back into the fray, the clash of blades once again filling the air with the promise of an uncertain outcome in the depths of the Dungeon's 9th Floor.

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