Claire- im going to pretend to be rich i get him
to fall in love with me and then i tell him the
real me and if hes still in love with me then it
was meant to be
Skylar-ok but even if you can do that
you need to dress the part and who
knows how to dress rich? Cole!
Claire- you didn't let me finish...
makenzie coles sister aka my sisters
best friend ofc she'll help me shes been
shipping us for a long time just never said it
around cole
Skylar- whatever you say
( they go to class )
ms.ray- welcome take a seat behind
colten and cody
Them- ok thanks ( they sit down )
Colten- *looks at skylar up and down*
Claire- someones blushing wait
what did i miss you never liked
Skylar- well um people change
( looks down at her phone )
Claire- *looks at her messages*
( what she sees )
Caiden- the plan is in motion
Skylar- ok remeber dont tell claire
Caiden- ofcourse i wont boss
Skylar- ill pay you after the job is done
Caiden- dont forget
Skylar- ok i wont
( real life )
Claire's mind- suspicious
* after school*
Skylar- ill meet you at your house to do the plan?
Claire- ok bye bestie ( goes to her car )
our twisted love
Teen Fictiona girl named Claire who has always liked cole the rich spoiled boy who thinks girls only like him for his money falls in love with Claire and finds the meaning of true love at a young age.