Chapter 10- pick your character

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Claire- give her this * hands her a box *

Jade- whats in-

Claire- just give  it to her ok 

Jade- ok ok *goes to the living room * 

Jade- ok ok *goes to the living room * 

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C & J mum- where are you going?

Jade- * getting her shoes and coat * to kenzies house

C& J mum- ok want me to drive you or pick you up when your done with whatever?

Jade- no its fine mum-

Claire- * yelling * Jade go to her house i still hear you

Jade- * yells*  shut up * roll's her eyes and leaves*

( 10 minutes later she got to her house ) 

Jade- * knockes on her door and she opens it *

Mackenzie-heyyy bestie

Jade- heyy * walks in* my sister wanted me to give you this * hands her the box * i dont know whats in it

Mackenzie- neither do i * opens it * sees a note and reads * 


mackenzie if your reading this then Jade is there Skylar made a new plan to tell him the truth but i dont believe her i would tell you this myself but I made a plan and have to meet up with some people to do it i know your wondoring what it is well i'm going to do the same thing skylar did to me and also say that it was her fault and then ill show up and tell him how i feel about him and i know you think she is trying to help me but i know her and i know thats not her plan and shes going to ruin my life even more so before she can ill ruin hers just like she did to me im sorry your caught in the middle but all i need you to do is at tomorrow at 5:pm to look at his phone and make sure his at home so the plan can work ill be there at 5:15pm and if he says he wants to apolagize dont let him come to my house till i get there -Claire 

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