So my mom got me a car seat for zomba. it has little elephants and its pink. I'm all dressed and ready to go. my mom is taking me to see a house. so my dads going to watch zomba.
So now I'm at the hose its a one story it's gorgeous and I can afford it. so I'm going to buy it. It's a perfect beginning for me and zombia. I'm going to get a job. I live really close to mom and dad and hopfully I can be close to work. ---------------------
I'm at the bank buying my hose. they said in 2-3 weeks I can live there but I can start putting my stuff in. I can't believe it it feels just like yesterday I was meeting Kevin and look were I am now. tomorrow I have a big day I go to see my therapist. then I pulled up to my moms house. I feed zombia and laid her in her bed and I layer in mine and very quickly feel asleep. this is my new begging but just as I was saying that the doll voices can back. hahahhahahjahahahhahahHahhahahhHhahhahahahahahhahah I'm back for the baby hahahhahahjahahahhahahHahhahahhHhahhahahahahahhahah were is she were is she give her to me or I'll and just then my mom walked in to me screaming and asked me what was wrong I told her and she said she would sleep with me. I need help and I'm going to get it not only for me but for zombia.