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Warnings: bulling

Yuri ran from that classroom, holding her bruised cheek. She didn't know nor care where she was going all she knew was she had to get away from that group of girls. She just ran and ran. She preyed no one would see the girl cry.

She could hear one of the girls chase after her, her snickering echoing though the empty hallway. "Come on Yuri. Fucking fight me." She kept her voice low so she would not alert any of the teachers. Yuri hoped to just lose her in the twisting and turning hallways with no such luck.

She did manage to get some ground between them, this did have it's costs. Her legs were sore, she was panted so hard it sounded like she was chugging gravel, and her sides felt like pins were being stabbed in them. She left too tired to keep running, at the speed she was going felt like she was going to pass out, but she pushed past everything that could stop her. She had to get away.

As she started to slow down she saw someone who she would never want to see her like this, Natsuki. Natsuki was a tough girl, who got in plenty of fights. She wasn't hostile to Yuri but they got in plenty of arguments, the pink haired girl would always bring up how Yuri would let people bully her. How she couldn't stand up for herself, and that Yuri was all bark and no bite, which was true. If Natsuki saw Yuri, then the pink haired girl might just join in or simply mock her, but Yuri was just going to have to suck it up.

Natsuki looked up from the wooden bench she was sitting on, her eyes locking with Yuris. The tallers hopes of just sprinting passed were crushed when Natsuki stood up blocking her path. "Oi, Yuri, slow down you fatass." Once Yuri came to a stop, all of the pains and sore caught up with her, she nearly threw up. "G-g-ood afternoon, Nat-Natsuki." She barely huffed out, avoiding eye contact by looking at the floor. The smaller said nothing as she watch Yuri catch her breath.

Yuri felt embarrassed, she stood up straight, wanting to just leave but knew Natsuki would bring it up until she found out what happened. "What are y-you doing out here?" She said nervously, hoping that distraction would get here out of the situation. Natsuki rasied a brow. "Got kicked out of class. Why are you out here, you look like your sick?" Yuri pressed her hand harder against her face slightly flinching at the pain. "Y-yes, I am fe-feeling quite ill. I was he-heading to the bathr-room." She gave a fake smile, but felt guilty about lying. Natsuki smirked and crossed her arms. "Really cause you just sprinted passed the bathroom." She pointed down the hall, where a restroom was. Yuri knew that the girl was going to catch up if she didn't get out of there, but Natsuki wasn't moving.

Yuri's face went white as she saw the girl turn the corner. The brunette slowed down when she saw the two of them. She gave an over the top wave to the shorter, tears welled up in her eyes when she realized Natsuki and the girl were friends. Then her hand left her cheek, reveling the red mark on her face, but Natsuki waved back at the girl. "You get kicked out of class too?" Natsuki asked walking towards her. Yuri felt stuck in her skin, her body was too tired to move, to carry her too safety. "Nah, me and Yuri were skipping class. Just having fun." She laughed, looking up at the purple eyed girl. Natsuki joined in on the laughing.

"One sec, I got something for you." Natsuki said, placing her bag on the floor, The girl leaned over her, an excited look on her face. Yuris eyes widened when she heard the girl scream and gripped her leg. Natsuki stood up straight and punched the girl on the nose. "YOU TOUCH HER AGAIN, I'LL AIM FOR YOUR FUCKING THROAT NEXT TIME!" She shrieked.

The girl tackled her and started hitting her face but Natsuki kicked her off and Yuri rushed to hold her down, only then noticing the teacher that was rushing towards them. "A-ah, mam o-over here! P-please help!" She called out, still struggling to hold the girl down. "What's going on with you three?" The snappy voice called out. "S-he was chas-sing me an-and atta-ked Natsuki when she was t-trying to he-help me." Yuri stuttered, standing up once the teacher was close. The teacher sighed looking at the three rough looking girls. "Natsuki and Yuri go to the office, explain what happened and get some ice. I'm take you to the nurses office." The teacher said, helping the brunette up.

"W-what did you do?" Yuri asked when they started walking. Natsuki hummed. "Oh, I stabbed that bitch with a pen." Yuri gasped. "Don't worry, it was empty. I was going to throw it out but it looks like I stuck it in the trash, so win-win." Natsuki chuckled. Yuri bit her lip. "W-why? I had th-the impression that you two were friends and y-you don't like me..." Yuri reasoned, feeling even more confused when she saw Natsuki's sudden red face. "We were but I don't want her picking on you a-and I do like you... but d-don't tell anyone I said that." The shorter muttered.

Yuri smiled down at her. "Would you l-like to hold my hand?" She offered, slowly inching her hand towards the other. Natsuki accepted, a smile blooming on her face. "You owe me a bag of chips." Natsuki stated. Yuri held her hand tighter and smiled as well. "O-or how abo-bout supper. A-at my house." Natsuki laughed. "Sounds like fun."

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