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It was late at night, the air was cool and calm. The grass outside were covered with due. The clouds were hardly visible because of the darkness hiding behind them. The forest was mostly still other then the wind gently pushing past the trees and the sound of someone quietly talking.

Natsuki woke up. She opened her eyes, a little surprised by the lightness of the mattresses. She turned over to see the spot where her wife normally lied her head to sleep was empty.  With a sigh she sat up, letting her feet dangle off the side of the bed. She looked back at the window, having a feeling she knew where her lover was.

A gentle thud was heard as she pushed her waking body off her bed. Making her way to the window, she took note of the quietness the surrounded her.

When they moved from the city to the woods life felt better. They owned a small bakery outside of the woods, which was a lovely little spot for the locals. Her wife also worked but she was a horror manga artist, which was a surprise. They lived a comfortable life together, away from there traumas and abusers.

Natsuki looked out the window, the front porch had its light on. She could just barely hear a feminine voice through the glass. A smile spread on her face. "That damn.." She cut herself off, turning to the door.

The stairs let out a low squeal beneath her feet. She held the wooden doors cold handle, she opened and looked out the second, thinner doors large window. On the bench attached to the railing was her wife, Yuri, covered by six raccoons. She opened the second door, chuckling. "They might think you're their queen." She held her small arms, the night dress she was wearing did not protect her from the crisp early morning air.

Yuri smiled at her as she delicately pulled off another small chunk of bread and gave it to one of the plump pests, who took it with its little hands. It rushed down to a small container of water, Yuri had put out for them. "Wo-would you like to feed some?" The woman with the purple hair asked pulling out a slice of bread from the loaf on her lap. Natsuki took it and sat beside her. At first the animals didn't realize that Natsuki also had food. The first to notice was a chubby fella, who skittered over to sit on her lap. She ripped the raccoon a small piece and placed it in his bandit hands. It rushed to the water.

Soon other raccoons took notice, wanting bread from her as well. Though with only one piece she didn't have enough to keep them entertained for long.

The chubby raccoon walked back up to her. "Sorry buddy, I'm all out, go ask the bread thief." She pointed at Yuri with her thump. "Would you like another?" Said bread thief asked. Natsuki shook her head. "So this is what you do with the loaves that don't sell?" The shorter crossed her arms, as the raccoons swarmed Yuri. "Well not every time, but once a month t-these little g-guys come here. So I started feeding them." She explained handing over more bread. "I don't k-know why people get so grossed out, th-t-they are quite cute." The larger smiled down at the chattering creatures. "I guess." Natsuki shrugged, rubbing her arms.

"Are y-you cold?" Yuri asked. Natsuki scooted beside Yuri. She leaned her head on the oversized shirt covering her wifes pale shoulder. "This is nice." Natsuki said, quietly as Yuris head rested on hers. The two silently watched as the raccoons joyfully ate.

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