Training & Saving Pike

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Y/n's P.O.V.

Buffy & I both walked into practice knowing that we were late. We were starting to change when Merrick appeared. "Oh, god! What are you doing here? This is a naked place." Buffy said. "You two were supposed to meet me an hour ago." Merrick said. "We told you that we have practice." I said. "And I told the both of you to skip it." Merrick counter-argued. "Listen, I think there's been a big mistake, all right?" I said. "I mean, I appreciate that there are real vampires & that you're on this big holy mission but obviously somebody read their tea leaves wrong cause we're not your girls. And I don't think we're up to it. And just between all three of us, neither do you." Buffy finished.

"It is true. You girls have missed years of training." Merrick said. "See?" Buffy & I said. "And you two are undisciplined, frivolous." "Don't we know it." Buffy said. "Quite probably the most vacuous choice in my entire..." Merrick tried to finish. "Okay. Okay. I think we all get the point." I said. "Right. Then, I don't think there's anything more for us to say." Merrick said. "I guess not." Buffy & I said. "Good luck & all." Buffy said. Merrick turned to walk away but came back. "Oh, yes. There is one thing." Merrick said. "What?" Buffy & I asked. "This." Merrick said bluntly while throwing two knives at me while Buffy & I caught the knives barely phasing us.

Buffy & I gasped as Merrick came towards us. "You... you... you threw knives at our head." Buffy said. "But, You threw knives at our head!" I said. "And you two caught it. Only the Chosen Ones could have caught it." Merrick said. "Don't you get it? We don't want to be the Chosen Ones. We don't want to spend the rest of our lives chasing after vampires. All we want to do is graduate from high school, go to Europe, marry Christian Slater, although Y/n wants to marry Skeet Ulrich & die." Buffy said.

"It may not sound too exciting to a scone-head like you, but we think it's swell." Buffy finishes. "You come along & tell me that Buffy & I are members of the hairy mole club, so you can throw things at us?!" I said stabbing the knives towards an area of Merrick I didn't mean to move toward. "Y/n, Buffy, it was necessary." Merrick said. "Last night, you knew we were sitting in a fresh grave, didn't you?" I asked. "Yes, because I had to make you aware of the implica-"Merrick didn't finish his sentence as Buffy punched him & I kicked him moving him.

"Oh, wow." Buffy said. "I'm so sorry, Merrick." I said. "It's fine." Merrick said pulling a handkerchief. "I've never hit anybody before." Buffy said. "Really? Well, you did it perfectly." Merrick said muffled. "I didn't even break a nail." Buffy said. We finally decided to skip practice to start our training. It took several days but we finally got it it even included us skipping school & running late to school. "So, when do we meet this guy Lothos?" I asked Merrick.

"I don't know. When he comes to you two in your dreams, what does he do to you & Buffy? How does he make you girls feel?" "He, uh... He scares us." Buffy said. We had nothing else to say & the following Monday we got called into Mr. Murray's office. "Well, I think we can all safely say that there's something going on with you two, Y/n & Buffy. Now, there's nothing to be nervous about. You're not in any kind of trouble." Mr. Murray said waking up me & Buffy. "Don't think of me as Gary Murray, administrator. No. Think of me as Gary Murray, party guy, a happenin' dude who can talk to the young. So tell me. It's drugs, isn't it?" Mr. Murray asked.

I tuned out of the conversation along with Buffy as Mr. Murray droned on with his speech. As, we picked up a thumbtack & we saw two flies. We put the thumbtacks in our mouths & blew it where the flies were & the buzzing stopped. Mr. Murray stopped the conversation & Buffy & I waited until the school day was over to kill some vampires.

Pike's P.O.V.

"You said you'd have the part by 2:00. Christ, it's almost dark." I said as I finished working on the van. "What nasty bug crawled up your bungus? Where the hell are you going?" My boss asked me. "I'm leavin', man. I'm bailin' town. This place has gotten way too hairy." I said. 

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