Chapter 1

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A body swung back and forth from the noose as a girl desperately tried to rid herself of the chains binding her hands. The air was thick and hot and dense and muffling, choking all goodness left. The stage was crowded with the townsfolk- desperate to catch a glimpse of the newest evil-doer before her untimely end. Their eagerness was like a child wanting a sweet, their behaviour obsessive and infectious. They whispered and gossiped, wondering what the new evil-doer had done. This was the first of the hangings yet there was an unspoken promise that there would be more. The neighbouring village, Salem, was already chattering away about demons and the plague had spread like wildfire. Now devilry was everywhere and all accused were put to trial. No one had decided a name for the evil-doers yet, but everyone knew they were slaves to Satan and his demonic wishes and therefore they were to be shunned.

Lore bolted through the throngs of people, pushing and shoving in the most unladylike way. Her hair flew in the wind and her skirts caught and tore on muddy branches and shoes.

"Emmerie!" She cried out, her voice ringing out across the silent hall. "EMMERIE!" Her voice was broken and tears streamed down her face. People turned to stare as she reached the front, ready to climb atop the platform and break the chains herself. Strong arms pulled her back and a calloused hand clapped over her open mouth. She struggled and bucked as the girl on the stage looked at her with panicked tears in her brown eyes, softly shaking her head.

A rough voice whispered in her ear as the arms tightened around her.

"Stop it, Lore. There's nothing you can do. She's already dead." The supposedly comforting words only fueled the flames in her heart and her bucking and thrashing grew wild and animalistic. Her screams were muffled as the head of the town stepped up to the stage and the townsfolk cheered. His red face was proud and his strong words carried out over the hall, silencing the applause.

"Citizens of Bellweather. We have come here to purge the evil from our town, to prevent the spread of demons across our homes. We have had a demon hiding in plain sight, right under our noses." He gestured to Emmerie who growled, swinging the chains. She cried out, her fight still alive despite her oncoming doom.

"I am no demon!" She cried out. "You and your heartless family who execute the innocents to rise in power are the true monsters in our midst!" She yelled to the people but they shook with disgust and raised their pitchforks, shouting her into submission.

"DEMON! DEMON! DEMON!" They yelled. The head called out for silence, bringing his daughter to the stage. He controlled their actions like a puppet master did his puppets and they obeyed his every command. It was as if she was watching a play unfold and this was the grand finale, the big reveal. 

Lore's screams grew ruined and ragged, her eyes locking with hate on the pretty girl who daintily made her way up to her father. She smirked at Lore's struggle, porcelain white teeth glinting. Fury burned in her body and fire replaced the blood in her veins. Lore cursed Beatrix with every foul word she could think of, marking her image in her eternal memory.

"My daughter caught the demon in the act, practicing her poison magic!" The head cried out and the townsfolk roared, hurling insults and rotten food at Emmerie, who fought with every beat of her heart. Beatrix stepped up next to her father, smiling in the spotlight. A coy smile decorated her face. She had the audacity to look proud.

"It's true! I saw the demon mixing her potions and chanting her spells! She tried to kill me!" Beatrix cried out, her face the perfect picture of horror. Lore growled and snapped, digging her nails into the hand over her mouth and screamed.

"LIAR!" Emmerie continued her chant. "LIAR! LIAR!" The townsfolk booed as Lore screamed. The head took steps towards the platform, towards the lever that would drop the floor beneath Emmerie's feet. Lore screamed, tears choking her as a silent defeat washed over her friend.

"You can't do this! You'll kill her! HOW CAN YOU KILL HER? Monsters! MONSTERS!"

The arms were still wrapped around her as the two crying girls locked eyes and spoke a thousand silent words. Lore looked to her bound friend and saw their years together - their bond that would never break.

She saw the laughter and mirth that had been every second in Emmerie's arms.

She saw the rock she had clung to for years on end- a rock she was still desperately clinging to her.

She saw life that was still flickering within her, not ready to be snuffed out.

Then she saw the lever drop.

She saw the wooden boards fall beneath Emmerie's feet.

She heard the rattling, choking gasp of her best friend's constricted airways.

She heard the final snap of her neck, drowned by the cheers.

And she heard her own scream as she burst into flames.  

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