She is Fine Mother
I Would Never Let Anything Hurt Her
I Protect Her No Matter what It TakesMother
Good You Better Keep Your Promise
You Remember what Happens otherwise right Alike with your BrotherJoel
I...I Told you it Wasn't His Fault Mother!
H...he Really Tried He...he Did His BestMother
His Best then Maybe Wasn't Enough
Joel remember That You have One Job
Don't End Like EzekielJoel
What we did to Him...That Wasn't Right Mother it was a Horrible Crime
He is Family your Child
How Could you Let that HappendMother
He Broke the RulesJoel
This is Enough! Keep your Mind on Her
She is Your Business Everything Else is NotJoel
The Roommate My Guardian Angel
FantasyClara is a Normal Girl That Still Goes to Her School In London and She Lived a Quiet Life without Much Interesting or Special Changes until One Day She Had a Accident That will Change Everything