Chapter Two

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Roseo couldn't believe himself

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Roseo couldn't believe himself. He was so incredibly mad at himself.

He had woken up laying down on the couch with Mint on his chest holding onto his hand, like it was a precious stuffed animal. And he had liked it? He didn't like girls. Or boys. He didn't like anyone, so why was she special? She shouldn't be special. She can't be special.

Sure, last night he had accepted the desire to be near her, but now he didn't like it. He didn't want to want someone, he didn't want to need someone.

Roseo hadn't moved Mint off his chest. He wanted to bask in her body heat and soft body before moving her. He wouldn't have it for a awhile, so he was cutting himself some slack.

He looked down at her; he couldn't help but think about how adorable she looked sleeping. Gosh! He was supposed to ignore her, not admire her!

He looked down at her again and started playing with her hair. He willed himself to move her over to get up. He softly pushed her body off him and stood up; he fixed his clothing before letting himself give her a kiss on the forehead.

He walked out of the house and got into his car. He clenched his jaw, this time not because he didn't want to be here but because he didn't want to leave. He pulled out of the driveway after a couple of minutes, heading towards his lonely home. Where a special Mint wasn't at.

Mint woke up alone on the couch the blanket bunched around her hips. She looked around for the pretty boy that had let her lay her head on his lap but he wasn't anywhere in sight. She asked herself if she had scared him off somehow? Maybe she made him uncomfortable? She mulled over every detail that she could remember that had happened last night. She knew she shouldn't have laid herself on his lap but he seemed so comfortable, how could she resist?

Her eyes watered thinking maybe she made him uncomfortable. She could probably ask Artemis to ask him for her later but she wanted to know now and apologize now.

 She could probably ask Artemis to ask him for her later but she wanted to know now and apologize now

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The next day Artemis had invited Roseo over again with the boys. Roseo agreed just to hopefully see his Mint. Not his. Right, not his Mint.

He was back on the loveseat, looking every once in awhile for Mint at the stairs. Apparently it wasn't as subtle as he had thought because Artemis had noticed,

"Shes taking a nap." Artemis said giggling like an evil child,

"Oh." Roseo said simply. He hoped that she was okay. And that she didn't have another bad dream like she had yesterday.

Not listening to all the boys talking and laughing, Roseo stared off into space wondering whether or not to leave since Mint was asleep.

He looked at the stairs again not expecting to see Mint there looking at the ground while she walked down the stairs to ensure she didn't fall. After seeing her and the butterflies that hit his stomach Roseo immediately asked Artemis where the bathroom was- just to get away from those stupid butterflies.

Mints heart dropped when Roseo left as soon as she showed up. She really had messed up, hadn't she? Her eyes watered; she had to apologize now.

She followed him into the room he was going into, slightly running to catch up to him. She grabbed his sleeve and tugged softly to get his attention. Mint looked up at him with her eyes filled with a new set of unshed tears.

"Mr. Xeni-ides, I'm so-orry I made you-u un-ncomfortable laying on you-u" Mint stumbled over her words while Roseo mentally cooed at her,

"You didn't make me uncomfortable." He had to make sure he showed absolutely no weakness, if he did he would fall to her whimsical spell and never get out.

"I did-n't?" She looked like she wanted to jump for joy, happy she hadn't done anything wrong. The butterflies were back much to Roseos dismay.

"No, you didn't."

After their little interaction, Mint felt a little better. She still felt bad because she was a little scared he lied to make her feel better, but she hoped he wouldn't do that to her.

She walked over to the loveseat and curled into a ball, already about to have another nap. She fell into a deep nap after a few minutes with her eyes closed.

Roseo had walked back into the living room after calming down his butterflies that the girl had caused, and sat next to her sleeping body. She somehow sensed he was there in her sleep and cuddled into his leg, grabbing the hand that was sitting idly on the couch and holding it like it was her stuffed cow.

Roseo looked down at her and decided that since she was asleep, he guessed he could show just a little attention. Thinking about it, Roseo wondered why she napped so much.

"Why does she nap so much?" He asked still looking down at the girl,

"She has Hypersomnia, meaning that she is very tired a lot. Thats why I don't send her to school and homeschool her, because she has to nap to be able to function." Artemis stated staring at the game him and some of the other boys were playing on the TV screen.

Roseo continued to look down at Mint. She was homeschooled? Could he, too, stay with her at some point in time? He was already top of his class, he could teach her instead of Artemis. He would also he okay with her napping, it gave him more time to admire her without making her uncomfortable.

He was getting ahead of himself again. In the past day he had imagined what Mint and his future could be if they were together, which was totally not okay with him. And now with this newfound information, he had even more scenarios to makeup in his head.

Him and her in their own apartment, him helping her with schoolwork, him taking naps with her, him holding her, him spoiling her till the end of time, her being his princess, her being his baby.

Her being his.

God, shut up, brain!

God, shut up, brain!

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