Chapter Three

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Artemis had to leave Mint to go to school, like he had to do every week

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Artemis had to leave Mint to go to school, like he had to do every week. Mint knew not to leave the house, and if there was an emergency to call him from the house phone.

As usual Mint read some of her books, watched cartoons, slept, and did homework before her brother got home. A lot of the time, after school Artemis would take Mint to the park since she had to stay inside all day.

Today was no exception, however today Artemis' friends would be coming. Including Roseo.

As soon as Artemis and them arrived home from school Mint came running down the stairs, nearly tripping. Once she got to the bottom she asked Artemis for them to go to the park, and of course he agreed.

All of the boys agreed to go with, Roseo especially. Mint wanted to walk there, so of course they walked.

Mint reminded Artemis that they all had to hold someones hand, as Artemis always told her to hold someones hand when she was walking outside somewhere. He didn't mean everyone had to do it, but Mint took it that way.

One of the boys reached to hold Roseo's hand but Roseo swatted him away,

"But Roseoo, we have to hold someones haand!" The boy cried, acting like he cared.

"Fuck off." Roseo muttered.

"It-s oka-ay, Jaramillo, you can h-hold Bubbys han-d!" Mint said trying to console the boy who didn't need consoling. She let go of Artemis' hand, grabbed Jaramillo's hand, and linked the twos hand together. She quickly stumbled to Roseo and looked up at him while grabbing his hand, silently asking if it was okay. He nodded slightly.

Together they all walked to the park while Mint swung her and Roseo's hand back and forth.

When they got across the street from the park Mint attempted to run to the park, but Roseo gripped her waist and pulled her back into his chest.

"Baby, we don't do that. You need to hold someones hand when crossing the street, even when you're excited, okay?" Roseo scolded,

"I'm s-orry, I wont-t do it agai-n." Mint said looking into his eyes, her eyebrows furrowed in sadness because she had made Roseo mad.

Roseo grabbed her hand again and told her to look back and forth to see if there were cars coming, when she said no they crossed the street.

When they finally got across the street Mint ran off to the park and began playing while the boys sat on a bench and talked. Well, the rest of the boys talked, Roseo watched his Mint to make sure she didn't get hurt.

She played all over the park, in the sandbox, on the slide, on the swings, and she played on the monkey bars.

She was currently still playing on the monkey bars, swinging back and forth, trying to get to the other ring.

While she was swinging her hands slipped and she fell down, hitting the ground hard on all fours. Immediately she began to cry. she leaned back, sobbing harder at the blood coming out of her knees and palms.

Without hesitation Roseo stood up on his feet and rushed to her. He swooped her up in his arms, and walked back to a separate bench that was separate from the rest of the boys.

He sat down first and sat her on his lap, pushing her head into his chest.

"My baby, can you tell me what hurts? I'll make it all better," Roseo cooed, she sobbed harder and pushed her head even farther into his chest.

"It's okay, baby, we'll get you home." Without warning Roseo stood up from the bench and held Mint with his arm beneath her butt and the other on her head, massaging softly.

As soon as they arrived at the house Roseo rushed into the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit. He sat Mint on the counter, and grabbed her face. He pressed kisses all over her face, telling her that the antiseptic is going to hurt.

He began cleaning the cuts while she held his hand with her head in his shoulder, weeping harder.

When the wounds were all cleaned, Roseo got on his knees in front of her and kissed them after putting a bandaid on them.

Artemis had rushed after them when he saw them leaving, and had just walked towards the open bathroom door. He didn't expect to see Roseo on his knees kissing his little sisters knees. Artemis had never once seen Roseo act like this, Roseo had never even let girls touch him, and he certainly didn't touch them.

Artemis knew that Roseo believed getting on his knees in front of a girl meant that he was willing to give his life to her, especially considering Roseo's line of work. Artemis backed away silently and let them have their moment.

Mint giggled at Roseo kissing her knees causing him to kiss them even more just to hear her laugh. He stood up and grabbed her hands, kissing them as well.

When he was finished he leaned his hands on the counter caging her in his arms, still somehow taller than her when slouching and having her on the counter.

Some of his hair slipped into his face making Mint reach up and push it back. She began to play with his hair mumbling about how soft it was. Roseo picked her up again in the same position as before and brought her up to her room with directions from her.

"Are you sleepy, baby? Maybe you can take a nap, yeah?" He asked her looking down at her as she laid her head on his shoulder.

He laid her down on the bed after slipping off her shoes, and put the covers over her. He kissed her head and began to walk away.

Mint grabbed his hand and whined,

"St-ay with me-e, pr-etty plea-se." Mint begged looking up at him. Roseo slipped off his shoes as well and crawled into the bed and under the covers with her.

She immediately shimmied into his arms and curled up into a ball next to his body. Roseo looked down at her, one hand behind his head and the other on her head.

He couldn't help but admire her, the way she softly snored and how she kind of moved towards him every couple minutes.

God, he wanted to marry her right then and there. Was it too soon? Probably, but he was infatuated with her.

 Was it too soon? Probably, but he was infatuated with her

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