Chapter 7: Unhappy

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Air rushed out of my lungs as I felt myself stop. My heart caught in my chest as I began screaming and trashing as someone's arms circled around my waist.

"Stop it," I screamed, clawing at the arms of whoever stopped me, "leave me be! I just want to be happy!"

I began sobbing as I felt myself and the other person collapse to the ground in front of the ledge, leaning against the cement.

"Sh," the person cooed, but their voice was slightly muffled by the rain and my hair, "it's ok."

I pulled my knees to my chest, the persons arms still around my waist as I sat between their legs, "please just let me die."

A sob left my lips as I began to shack. Thunder boomed around us, drowning out what ever the person had to say.

Another burst of energy pulsed through me once I felt their grasp weaken. I sprang up, ripping out of their hold. I didn't get far before I felt myself being held, my arms enclosed to my sides, "stop it! Can't you see I'm unhappy here? Can't you see I don't want to live?"

I screamed and struggled until I felt my body collapse into the strangers arms. I sobbed into their chest, clawing onto their shirt when they loosened their hold on my arms but still held me tightly from my waist.

"Please don't do that. I can't live knowing that I let you die too."

I pulled my head off of their chest, still ready to sprint to the bridge when I could. Until I saw their face.


He said nothing as he picked me up, draping me over his shoulder, causing me to struggle once again, "no! No! Let me jump! Why do you want me to suffer! Please! I'm doing this to make everyone happy! To make you happy!"

I kicked and pounded on his back as he neared his motorcycle, "stop it, Doll. I'm not leaving your side until I know your safe."

"I'm safe, you ass! Just leave me alone! I just want to leave!"

"I meant safe from yourself."

I began crying again, covering my face while Ryder situated me in front of him this time instead of behind him. He pushed himself forward, ensuring I couldn't jump off as he held tightly to the handle bars, "it'll be ok, Doll. I promise. We can talk once we get to my house."

He easily started the bike, leaving the second he could. I looked behind him from over his shoulder, watching my one chance of freedom slip away from me.

I just want to forget.

I mumbled incoherent words as he parked his bike, the rain still pounding around us. I flinched once I felt his arm grab my waist, "come on."

I stiffly walked next to him, not liking the feeling of his arms around me.

Ryder, of course, is rich. I knew this. I also know the marble stepped mansion his dad owned. The large French doors with gold lining were something I had only seen when I walked past his house. But, the house seemed dark in the storm. Unwelcoming wasn't a word to describe it. It seemed rotten. It seemed like it was nothing but an abandoned house that once held many great memories of parties and wine, until something changed and everyone left.

"Inside, Doll. I'll make you some tea," Ryder's voice was rough and dry, and the second he turned on the lights to the opening room, I saw the blood shot color in the whites of his eyes.

He came back five minutes later, me still standing in the same spot I was originally in, staring at nothing but a family portrait.

"You're staying in my room. With me," Ryder grabbed my hand as he pulled me to the stairs, "I'll show you to it and give you some cloths of mine to sleep in while the tea is boiling."

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