Chapter 5 (SSS class hunter)

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I'm backkkkk

didja miss me? lol

anyways, same warnings as the last one


"Hurry up." Lucas yelled impatiently. Even though the two hosts had said they would continue immediately after, the projector decided to overheat and the video files decided they weren't going to load.

"B*tch, at least we have more advanced technology. Meanwhile you and your lot are still reading for entertainment and relying on magic too much." Arin snapped back floating next to the projector trying to figure out whether the air filter only needed cleaning or to be changed.

"What's so good about your technology'? In the end you're just as reliant as I am on magic. Plus how complicated can one of those be?"Arin rolled their eyes. Lucas himself floated up to the computer which was having trouble re-downloading material."Let me poke at it."

The projector rebooted immediately and the video files were restored from god knows where.

"This is it isn't it?"Lucas grinned smugly at Arin.

"Wha- you know what why am I even surprised. Of course you would figure everything out within seconds, f*cking main character buffs." Arin muttered mentally flipping off Lucas who sauntered his way back to his seat smugly.

"Main characters."Kim Dokja sighed, sparing a glance at his favorite protagonist.

"Protagonist bastards. I'm much better than them." Han Sooyoung grumbled, rolling her eyes.

'Seems About right.' Cale too gave a small glance at Choi han, who had recently been added, along with alberu, jennette and ijekle.

Athy just sighed as the video finally started playing.

Sword Saint whose real name is Marcus Calenbury.

A photo of a Babylon News paper popped up on screen with the old man on the front page. The hottest article was about his disappearance.

"That must be a future newspaper." The black dragon witch deduced. The guild leaders hid their anxious expressions as they thought about the disappearance of the sword saint. If one of them became rank one, the balance of the five guilds would be offset.

"I wonder what happened to me, I had no plans of leaving my life as a hunter any time soon." The sword saint pondered thoughtfully.

A lot of people have forgotten him 11 years later as it's been a long time since his disappearance.

"Time is the cruelest, gramps. " Lucas sighed dramatically,"fortunately that does apply to me."

"Is that why you have the mentality of a deranged 8 year old?"Athy deadpanned while Melissa cracked up beside her.

"What are you talking about? I have centuries worth of magic knowledge in my head."Lucas defended, creating a hologram with historical scenes in the palm of his hand and then dispersing it into a sprinkle of dramatic golden specks of light that rained over Athy.

"And yet you didn't understand how emotional responses are an actual thing until like.. A few years ago." Ijekeil cut in Lucas's obnoxious flirting.

"I don't consider myself on the same level as normal humans such as yourself, white dog."The magician sneered.

"Ijekiel's not wrong though, it's like you're stuck in an emo edgy teenager phase save for the black clothes."Athy continued with a devious smile.

"Okay but I would look amazing even as an edgy teenager." Lucas grinned, daring Athy to refute him. She elbowed him but the blush rising up to her face would not slip by the long haired warlock. (BUT LIKE IMAGINe EMO LUCAS LMAOOOOO)

React: TCF, BTV, WMMAP, SSS-class Suicide Hunter, ORV (possibly more to comeWhere stories live. Discover now