year 8 maths fri 18th feb

2 0 0


4 out of 20 as a %

4/20 x 100/1

100 = 5

20 = 1

4/20 x 100/1 = 20%

20% of 400 

20/100 x 400/1 = 80%

both zeros in 100 and 400 are cut out

increasing or decreasing by a percentage

eg; find the new value when

a) $120 is increased by 50%

50% of 120 = $60

new value; 120 + 60 = $180

50% = - half 

120 - 50% = 60.

60 x 2 = 120


150/100 x 120/1 = $180

b) $20 is decreased by 50%

50% 120 = $60

new value = 120 - 60 = $60

c) $110 is increased by 15%

15/100 x 100/1 = $126.50

new value = 110 + 16.5 = 126.50


115/100 x 110/1 = $126.50

1 zero is cut out from 100 and 110

100% original amount


d) $110 is reduced by 15%

15/100 x 110 = 16.50

new value: 110 - 16.50 = 93.50


100% - 15% = 85%

85/100 x 110/1 = $93.50

me actually doing work for once woah omg lol:

$120 is increased by 20%

120 x 1.2 = 144

$180 is increased by 80%

180 x 1.8 = 324

$50 is decreased by 10

50 divided by 10 = 5

50 - 5 = 45

= 45

$78 is decreased by 20%

100% - 20% = 80%

80/100 x 78/1 = 62.4

$400 is increased by 10%

$240 is increased by 15%

115/100 x 240/1 = 

cross out 1 zero from 100 and 240 =

115/10 x 24/1 = 276

$80 is decreased by 20%

20% of 80 = 16

80 - 16 = 64

$42000 is decreased by 2%

2% of 42,000 = 840

42,000 - 840 = 41,160

$5000 is increased by 8%

5000 divided by 100 = 50

50 x 1 = 50

5 x 8 = 40


$60.60 is increased by 60%

60% of 60.60 = 36.36

60.60 + 36.36 = 96.96

$15 is decreased by 10%

10% of 15 = 1.5

15 - 1.5 = 13.5

$84 is decreased by 40%

40% of 84 = 33.6 

84 - 33.6 = 50.4

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