After the war

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I walked
down the slick waxed floors down towards the Ravenclaw common room. Oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Belle, Belle Stewart. A devoted Ravenclaw. My family bloodline was on the intellectual side. My best friends are Cho Chang, Hermione Granger and Luna lovegood. Now my appearance. I am a veela. Which can be quite annoying. Boys and all. I have strawberry blonde hair, brown eyes and today I am wearing a little black dress with little red and white flowers scattered across it. Okay back to the story. I was almost there when I bumped into someone.
"Hey! Next time watch where you are going!" He shouted. Then he got up and looked down at me. It was Malfoy.
"Oh. Sorry" i muttered.
"Blood traitor" he said walking off.
"Rude." I whispered. See I'm kinda the shy one. I got up and dusted off my clothes to see cho, luna and hermione run up to me.
"We saw what happened. Are you okay? Did Malfoy hurt you?" Cho said desperately.

"Only with words." I said.

Then cho, luna and I headed towards the Ravenclaw common room. And said bye to the Gryffindor Hermione.

I got back and changed into my Pj's. Then I Remembered I had to return my library book, Narnia. It was a muggle one, but worth my reading time.
I slipped on my satin slippers and finally arrived at the library. It was empty so I was about to head back when I heard muttering. It was coming from the restricted section.
"There has to be some information here." The voice said. I creeped over towards it and peered over a shelf. And I saw the same bleach blonde student who bumped into me before. I gave a little scowl remembering the moment.
"Where where is it?"
"Oh yes here it is! A giant book on wizarding families.Malfoy, Malfoy where is my name."
Then he gave a little gasp.
"Stewart family. Long time family friend of the Malfoy's since 120 bc." He finished.
Then I said out loud.
"Family friends?"
Then I realized I just reveled myself
"What are you doing here? " he asked
"Might I ask the same?" I responded.
"Well if you dont want me to get you expelled, listen to me." He said
"Excuse me you don't tell me what to do and I can tell on you as well"
"Hmmph. Ok just dont tell anyone I was
I nodded.
"But......You must be my helper the whole year. And you must not tell anyone of our Families. " he said.
"Me? Help you? NOT HAPPENING! " I said.
"Well okay. I'll be glad to tell Slughorn you have been wandering the corridors at night." He saud
"No no no. I will help you I promise. Just dont get me expelled Draco." I cried.
"Okay. Rule #1 last name policy is crucial. Malfoy is just fine." He said
"Next, you keep what I tell you absoloutly secret."

"And last, when people see us working together, say binns made us do an extra credit assignment together." He finished
"Woah, sounds like you got this planned ahead of time." I joked.

It was break time, so I headed outside to study for my herbology quiz. Just then, I spotted a kitty playing with a butterfly. I follower her. Then I noticed she was heading towards the whomping willow.
"Noooo! " I screamed I chased after her. She luckily dashed off into the woods. But i wasn't that lucky. Until someone grabbed my waist and pulled me aside. But the tree kept on fighting.

I woke up hours later next to Malfoy he just woke too.
"Why did you save me?" I said.
"I couldn't lose my assistant." He lied
"Sure" i said in a know it all voice
There was an awkward silence inturrupted by a meow.
"Oh look whose here?"
"Its the kitty" I said lifting her up.
"Are you not mad at her for nearly killing you?" Malfoy said.
"Nope. She is an innocent animal. Her name will be pixie. and I'm adopting her."
"Well we'd best be off. History of magic. in 35 minutes. "
I nodded and we headed off.

"Today we will be learning about minatours. Can anyone define them?" Proffesor Binns said
Everyone was either snoring, whispering or drooling but my hand shot into the air. Hermione was not in my class so I was kinda the smart one.

" Proffesor! Minotaur was a monster, half-man, half-bull, that devoured sacrificial victims thrown into the Labyrinth. Born of Queen Pasiphae's god-inflicted infatuation with a bull, the Minotaur was eventually killed by Theseus. The monster is generally depicted as having the head of a bull and the body of a man."

"Well done. Miss Stewart. 10 points to Ravenclaw."

The tower bell rang
"Now remember to do that foot and a half essay on queen Pasiphae. " binns said to the students dashing by.

"Finally! We have free period." I muttered

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