The Rambling Progessor

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So after me and Travis fought, literally, we walked over to the poké center with professor birch to heal our pokemon. the professor described every little detail about the poke center and the pokpoké mart like we have never been to one before. I tuned out most of what he was saying hoping it wasn't important. kind of like when you skip the "how to play guide" in a video game. I'm sure I will regret it later but at the moment I was bored and just wanted to go battle some Pokemon so I can beat Travis and laugh in his face.
I know I said I wasn't the kind of person to go on adventures, but after that battle I had I really wanted to go somewhere with it. I almost wanted it bad enough that I was just going to sneak away without anybody noticing, but to show a little respect I stayed and kinda tuned out the professor. Okay the real reason I stayed is because it was just me and Travis, and I'm sure they would notice someone missing from a class of two.
The professors noticed I wasn't paying attention so he decided to play with my head a little bit. "-and that's what a max-revive does.Now Keegan can you tell me anything you learned about Max revives?"
I looked over at him but only because I herd my name but didn't really hear anything else he had said, so I gave him that blank look and started saying um.
"That's what I thought, you should really learn to pay attention. It could maybe even save your life some time." the professor rambled on and I didn't even hear what he had just said because I was drawing picture of weird shapes on my arm with a pen.
The professor got irritated with me not paying attention, so he just walked with Travis and have him the rest if the information while I didn't even realize they left. They even came back without me realizing it.
The professor walked out of the Pokémon center. With an irritated look on his face. Yay! I thought, now I can go adventure!

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