* A.B. x Fem! R: linguistically charged

306 4 15

A/N: Hello there lovely! I hope you enjoy! xx - auggie <3

TW: Harassment, alcohol, sexual content (Mommy Kink, Cunnilingus, Vaginal fingering, etc). Read at your own discretion

Contrary to popular belief, I enjoy clubbing. I just don't like doing it when I need to be sleeping for my lit class tomorrow. I do, however, like it when the drinks are half priced. That's why I was even bothering to be here.

I took another sip of my Long Island, finishing it off before making my way out to the dance floor. a short black dress hugged tightly in all the right places, loose in the ones that I was more insecure in. I danced for a few songs, a couple of girls I knew cheering me on. I come here often.

I was ready to go grab another drink when I felt someone's hands on my waist. "Hey there sexy." A man. ew.

"I'll have to ask you to remove your hands, sir." I smiled politely, trying the nicer route first.

"Oh come on, I saw how you were dancing there. You want me," he insisted. I hate men, but I especially hate rude, self entitled men.

"Sir, I do not. I am not going to be going home with you, dancing with you, or even giving you the time of day after you let go of me. " I was firmer this time.

"Oh come on baby," he tried harder.

I was about to say something when I heard another voice behind me. "Babe, are you okay?" A woman.

"Oh, so you're one of those dykes." he smirked. "c'mon, kiss for me." he pushed me towards the mystery woman. She was taller, and older. Her hair was curled, framing her gorgeous face. I wouldn't mind kissing her, that's for damn sure.

"Get lost asshole," I snapped, allowing the woman to wrap an arm around my waist, pulling me towards her protectively.

Eventually his friend came up, dragging him away, apologizing for him. He was definitely the DD tonight.

"Thank you," I smiled up at her.

"Of course beautiful. Are you here with anyone I can get you back to?" She was polite. Her grammar was spot on for being a woman at a bar.

"No ma'am. I'm here alone."

"None of that now. Alex, please. Ma'am makes me feel old," a laugh that was just as gorgeous as her spilled from her lips.

"Well, Alex, can I buy you a drink for saving me?" I asked, flirting slightly.

"It's not necessary," she blushed a little. I looked down, and there wasn't a wedding ring.

"I insist."

"You're a little stubborn there aren't you..."

"(Y/N)." I laughed softly, taking her by her arm.

I bought her a glass of white wine, and after we had both finished, we couldn't take our hands off of each other. It was slightly drunken antics. I mean, I'd have done her sober, the alcohol just gave me enough confidence to actually pursue her.

"How far is your place from here?" I asked, her hands pulling my waist closer to hers.

Her lips ghosted my ear, whispering. "Five minute drive."

"Let's go." I placed soft open mouthed kisses on her neck before she dragged me out and hailed a taxi. Her hand trailed up my leg, finding a resting point on my upper thigh. "Please" I whispered.

She let out what seemed like a laugh, and refused to move her hand. "Be a good girl and wait."

My stomach clenched, that was new. Being praised wasn't something I was used to. Hell, I hadn't had sex with a woman in a long time.

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