Thank the bonfire

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At the beginning of the night I was enthusiastic to go to this party Rafael organized to celebrate that he was back to being a human teenager. Landon and Hope are now back together and I could definitely use a distraction for my breakup with Landon. The distraction was going fine until Landon and Hope showed up.

I do not know why I was surprised that Landon and Hope showed up at the party. Rafael was the one who organized the party, so of course, Landon would be there. They are like brothers after all.

Most of the people at the party were pretty drunk at this point. I thought about getting a drink myself but after the black magic stunt earlier this year I decided that being drunk was not a great idea. Which means I am the only sober human at this party.

My conclusion? My once bright idea of a distraction was becoming a failure. At this point, I would rather be back in my room with some ice cream and a bad movie. There is only one problem: Lizzie has the car keys and she is nowhere to be found.
I should have asked her for the keys when we arrived, but I forgot and now I am stuck here. Unless I walk back, but I am hoping she comes back soon because it is cold and here at the bonfire there is at least some warmth.

Deciding to wait and hope Lizzie appears gives me some time to think. Now that my memories have returned after the spell I did I do not know if I would have continued my relationship with Landon even if he did not choose Hope. It is really weird. Without the memories of Hope, we both were different people. It is not that I am not sad anymore, but dating Landon would not have felt the same as it did before.

That is when I realize that seeing Hope and Landon together does not make me jealous, but just sad. Having someone that would go to the end of the world for you, someone to have a picnic with under the stars. I never really had a person like that.

Penelope and I were together for a long time and it was good, but there was always so much drama. It always felt like we were running from one problem to the next problem. No peaceful moment to catch my breath. Landon and I were just getting started, but we were not like that. More like friends really.

Then there was Jade. We were getting close even though we have a weird history, but then she left. I understand why she left, but it hurt nonetheless. And then when I thought I had moved on from her she came back to the Salvatore school.

She has been working with my dad on her ripper problem. She wants to help people, but she can only do that if she can control her thirst. That is why she came back to the Salvatore school. To learn how to control her thirst for blood.

We have barely talked since she came back. We had a short awkward conversation where she told me why she had come back to the Salvatore school. The conversation ended abruptly when Landon appeared by my side. Since then she has avoided me and Landon for most of the time. When I do come across her she walks away with a sad smile towards me on her face.

Turning my thoughts back to the party, Lizzie is still nowhere to be seen. And so is Rafael. Lizzie has been going after him and since they both disappeared it is not hard to put one and one together. This is bad news for me. Unless things go wrong it will be a while before they return from wherever they are.

If not Lizzie, maybe someone else can give me a ride back to the Salvatore school. All the witches and werewolves are drunk, so they are a no-go. In the time that I was lost in my thoughts, the vampires have gotten their hands on some special drinks for them as well.

The only person who seems to be sober besides me that has not gone to make out somewhere in the woods is Hope. Before I can even begin to think about whether I would rather walk home or talk to Hope right now I can see someone new entering the party. Someone who has not been to any parties since she came back. Jade. Why would she come to this party, what changed?

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