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"Would you stop." My brother says to me throwing a piece of popcorn. I laugh and keep singing along to the movie our little sister was watching. She was only four. She thought I was hilarious.

"Dance with me." She says. I slide off the couch onto my knees and dance with her as the music plays. As the movie ends she jumps up to put another in.

"Oh no you don't. No more movies. Lets watch some sports for awhile and then you can watch another after dinner alright?" My older brother says. She starts to pout.

"Hey lets go up and see what dad's doing." She nods and we do our ninja routine up the stairs and to dad's office doorway. He was an architect so he spent most of his day drawing.

"Daddy is drawing again." She whispers. I pick her up for our stealth scare. I sneak up behind him and she wraps her arms around his neck making him jump. He laughs.

"You two love to do that don't you?"

"Yep." We say.

"Where's mom she's next?"

"Your mother is in the bedroom cleaning out our closet." I share an 'oh no' look with my sister. If mom was cleaning she was annoyed about something.

"What did you do?" I ask dad teasing him.

"I have no idea and I'm going to hide in here till she wants to yell at me. I'm guessing Andy is watching sports if you two are looking to torture someone." We nod.

"How about you do me a favor." He pulls two twenties out of his pocket and his keys. "Go down the road to the store and get your mom some chocolate and a couple frozen pizza's. You can get one thing for each of you as payment for doing it."

"Alright." We hurry and put on our shoes and hurry out to the car. She got in her booster seat and I hooked her in. As we drive down we discuss what we want for us. We had a deal we'd share a snack and buy a new movie. It was what we always did. At the store I swing her up into the seat in the basket. She was laughing at my goofy voice as we rounded the corner in the store. I was reading the food kinds as I went. It entertained her and that was my goal.

"Ouch." I focus beyond my sister at the really cute, strike that make it, hot guy. I'd run into his ankle with the cart.

"Damn I'm sorry." He frowns. My sister has her I'm sorry face on. "I was goofing with her and wasn't watching where I was going."

"I see. Is she yours?" It wasn't the first time someone had asked me that.

"She's me sister so I do claim her. I've got a brother too, him I don't claim, he's got that whole older brother I'm always right thing." He smiles and chuckles a little. His eyes go to her.

"You are a very pretty young lady." She grins and tips her head in her I'm so cute and everyone loves me way.

"No she's an ugly little troll." I tease tickling her. She gives me her scrunched up fake angry look but laughs when I give it back. The guy I'd run into was watching us smiling. I blush a little.

"Sorry I'm Angelo, this is my sister Anise my brother is Andy. My parents forgot about the other twenty five letters in the alphabet when they named us." He laughed. I liked to make people laugh. They'd forget about any trouble if only for a few moments and that made me feel good to know they were a little lighter as they went on about their day. He held out his hand.

"I'm Zachary."

"Ooh A to Z in a new way. Cool." I shake his hand and it doesn't escape me how he holds it a second longer and trails his thumb over the back of my hand. Ooh he was flirting. I give my best flirty smile. He was hot, why not. "Maybe we could hang out find new ways to go from A to Z?" I flirt. I watch his tongue sneak out and lick his lips as his eyes skim over me.

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