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As I got dressed the next morning I could hear mom in with Anise next door getting her ready for kindergarten. Anise would be the youngest in her class but she was excited. They shared the same campus with us. The middle school was down the road. Smalls towns, got to love it. But it meant if she had trouble I'd be around. I told her I'd walk over on my lunch to see her. Make sure she was doing good. I was debating on hoody or no hoody when she ran in.

"Do I look okay?" I bounced my head back and forth. She had on a bright yellow dress with little blue flowers on it. White sweater and white sneakers.

"You look beautiful." I tell her scooping her up for a kiss.

"So I'll see you today right?"

"Yep. I'll be around when I come for lunch. I'm not sure what time or what you'll be doing but I'll say hi."

"Good. I'm nervous."

"Me too. Come on lets grab breakfast." We had cereal then mom took us to the school. I headed for my first class while mom walked Anise to her class. That late in life baby was going to have them seeing a graduation when they were in their sixties. First period was social sciences and Mr Right was teaching this and he was my student advisor this year.

"Alright everyone quiet." He says after the bell rings. "We've got assembly this morning. We will walk in silence sit in silence and listen in silence. You know how this works you've done it for for years be good and do it this year as an example to others." As seniors we got to go down to the assembly room first. Rob one of the few guys in school I liked hurried to sit next to me shoving the girl beside me down.

"Dude, did you hear? We've got a new principal this year."


"So he apparently has already given out a suspension and detentions. He's apparently a major hard ass."

"Better be good then. How was the vacation in Italy." He'd spent his entire summer in Italy with family. Normally he and I hung out tons. I needed to tell him I was gay.

"It was awesome. I even got a sweet Italian girlfriend. We're going to try the long distance thing for a while." He pulled up a girl on his phone.

"She's cute."

"She's totally hot. What did you do all summer." I grinned.

"Hung out with my family, told them I was gay. The usual." He starts to laugh but it dies.

"Dude are you serious? Your gay?"

"Yes. I even met someone this summer. God is he hot." I pulled up the selfie I'd done with him during our one date.

"He's your type?"

"He's hot he'd be anyone's type." A thumping was heard through the speakers. Mrs Orion the school secretary was up there thumping on the microphone.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the first day of school. I'd like you to meet your new principal Mr Zachary Winter." I choke and stare as Zach comes on the stage. He's smiling and nodding at the clapping we were doing.

"Dude isn't that the guy in your picture. Did you know he's the principal?"

"No." I say emphatically. I sat there and stared. I was dating my principal. Oh my god. He knew I was going to be here. Explains why he hadn't asked me out on another date. If we were seen together it would be serious trouble. I stared as he talked about who he was and the new school year. Each teacher went through as an introduction to them. I pulled out my phone and pulled up his text messages. Would he look right now? Would he reply?

'WTF? Your my principal. How could you not tell me that?' Wasn't he young for being a principal. He was only twenty five. But I guess those college degree's made a difference. He'd said this wasn't his first school. He was sitting to one end of the stage. I saw him pull out his phone then start typing.

'I wanted too since this is technically against the rules but... I like you, I didn't want to let you go. Are you really mad?'

'Third row tenth from the east end, I don't know am I mad?' I see his eyes trace to me. I was glaring at him. Rob scooted down in his seat and shook his head.

"Your crazy." Rob tells me.

'I'm sorry. But you'll still talk to me right?' I sighed and stuck the phone in my pocket still glaring at him. He winced and slid his phone away. I stared at him and he stared at me until the assembly was over and I hurried to get back to class. I couldn't believe it he was my principal, he knew and never told me. This was a major impediment to dating. I felt my phone go off several times and checked between classes. He was apologizing and asking me to forgive him. I ignored him. At lunch I hurried over to the elementary building. I knew she was in Kindergarten number three. They were reciting the alphabet when I popped up in the door.

"Can I help you?" The teacher asks. I smiled as charmingly as I could.

"Just wanted to say hi to my sister make sure she was alright." Anise was smiling.

"May I get up ma'am." Anise asks politely.

"Yes." Anise hurries over and hugs me.

"How's it going?"

"It's so much fun. A couple of the boys were teasing me earlier but I told them to leave me alone or I'd let you beat them up."

"You bet I would. I better let you get back to class. You remember if you ever need me go to the office tell them I'm a senior and they'll find me for you." She nods kisses my cheek and goes back to class. I'm just getting to the lunch room when someone grabs my arm from behind and I'm tugged into an empty office. It's Zach. I glare at him.

"Hi." Is all I say.

"Angel, I'm sorry but I really like you. I didn't want you to tell me we should just be friends or something."

"We should just be friends or something." I say. "I'm your student this is against the rules. You could get into a lot of trouble for this." It worried me that he was putting his job, life, and future in jeopardy just to talk to me. Did he really like me that much?

"I know but you'd be worth it. Forgive me, please? Talk to me?"

"I want to but what am I going to tell my parents they want to meet you."

"Tell them you have to wait till I'm back from college." He had that explanation ready.

"Thought about it I guess." Lifting a hand he tips up my face. I knew I shouldn't but I let him kiss me. The simple kiss went deep and I'm clasped in his arms and being kissed senseless. The only thing that stops us is the bell ringing. I pulled back.

"I got to go to class."

"I know. Will you keep talking to me?"

"Yes." I pull away and run for class. He might be my principal but I knew what I was doing. If he was willing to put his job on the line because he liked me that much I'd give it a chance.

As we get out of our last class for the day Rob finds me.

"Dude you are dating our principal how did this happen?" I explained and told him that it was just talking. We head for the bus still talking. I would be taken home then the bus would come back for Anise. I hoped that this was real with Zach.

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