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"Ha, now that's a nice looking chili. I'm starving." I was home alone while Zach was working at his new job. He frequently has been late lately because the professor he's assisting has him helping with research now that classes were out. He was leaving on a dig soon so he was needing tons done. I rubbed a hand over my growing stomach. It was mid may and I was five months along. I had a good stomach, big enough that I was staying in sweats unless I had to leave the house. This was more than basketball this was like a watermelon on top of a basketball. Thankfully I wasn't to the 'balance my drink on my stomach' stage yet. I could prop my fries when I snuck some though. For dinner each day I'd been making small practice meals. So far I'd done good. The only thing Zach wasn't so sure about was the pork chops I made. They were a little chewy. But the steak I'd done after that he liked so I think it was a think with the pork. Tonight was chili from that same book I'd been going through.

"So what do you think baby girl want to try some chili. No giving back like that shrimp I made." I'd made some shrimp alfredo and she'd given it back. That was nasty. I doctored my chili with shredded cheese and some sour cream. Taking it into the living room I sat in Zach's chair and hit play on Back up Plan. I had made sure that Zach hadn't seen that I was going through all the baby movies. I had a theme for a reason. I eyed my first bite and took it. Creamy cheese, chunky meat and tomatoes. Spicy beans and little bit of cool sour cream.

"Pretty good." I ate two bowls and curled into his chair to watch. I was up to the wedding mess when the front door opens.

"Honey I'm home." He calls. I laugh. I quickly change from my movie to the cooking channel. He drops his bag and kisses me before sitting on the couch.

"Hello darling how was work?" I tease.

"Oh god he's killing me. Luckily he leaves for his dig in two weeks. Then I'll be relegated to typing his notes doing research and cataloging anything he sends me back.

"Maybe you'll make dinner with me then. I'm not complaining I just miss you. I know work is crazy getting him ready to go."

"I hope I'll make dinner. I'm starving tonight. What did you make tonight?"

"Chili. It was good. I had two bowls."

"Ooh. Sounds good." He went for a bowl and came back with a huge one. He takes a hesitant first bite and moans as he swallows.

"Now that's good chili." I smile and rub my stomach as she starts moving around. It seemed that after I ate she liked to move around till she got a good sleeping spot then she was out for hours. He's watching me rub my stomach.

"How has she been today?"

"Pretty good. Only complained once today when I fell asleep on my side. She obviously was in a bad position kicked at me till I moved then she was fine."

"Still in the sweats I see."

"I don't need the maternity pants yet." I tell him.

"So tomorrow's Saturday, the professors spending the weekend with some of his grand kids before he goes out of town for the summer. That means I have the weekend free. Anything you want to do?" I smile.


"What?" He asks pushing his empty bowl away.

"Paint the babies room." He laughs.

"Finally decide on a color?" He'd brought me paint chips after work one day. It was colors he liked so I had final decision.

"Yep. But instead of doing just the clouds pink. I want to do one wall full pink and then the clouds pink around the other three walls."

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