A heart-warming threat

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Real men don't flinch or bleed in public

Oh, I think I'm a real man

Little boys cry and look around for comfort

And always get what they want


"Who the hell are you?"

Akio coughed but couldn't move his head because of the stinging feeling on his neck. He realised that the thing against him was a sharp knife and that he had imagined some sort of blue light. The possible future murderer (?) however, had very bright blue eyes. 

So, no light, everybody, it's all very... very dark.

The weather too, because apparently Akio had been sleeping in the dark like a baby.

His brown eyes got bigger in fear, "W-what-"

"Are you stupid or acting like one? I said, who the the hell are you." the young boy, he sounded harsh and impatient.

He flinched in panic, "Could you just, ehem, please... take the knife away so I can talk?"

The boy pushed it more. "You wouldn't want to make me angry."

"A-akio! My name is Akio."

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm... lost." with a shaky voice, eyes closed. 

He didn't talk for a second, and then he took the knife away.

Akio, finally relaxed, rubbed his neck and moved his shoulders to make the pain go away. He took a deep breath and observed the boy more clearly with a suspicious look on his face.

His light blue eyes were shining dangerously under the moonlight, he had rather sharp features for a boy. They must have been around same age.

"How can you be lost?" he asked firmly. "This is Mishiro's area."

Akio slowly, "Yes. I am from Mishiro."

His eyes narrowed and his posture changed to avoid any possible sudden mouvement.

"I-i fell," he told dark-haired boy, almost ready to cry again. "S-somebody pushed me."

"You fell..." raising his one eyebrow, "...from there?" pointing the border.

"Yeah..." Akio lowered his head and realised, the wolf was STILL there, laying near his legs, keeping him warm.

"Oh my god." His eyes were about to pop out. Then, he started to laugh. Pretty insane, huh?

"What's so funny?"

Between giggles, "What are you? A dumb bunny? Ahahhahah. Man... This is nuts."

"It was an accident, okay? I didn't intend to fall... I am not crazy."


Akio felt again the presence of the silver wolf. 

"H-he is still h-here." His voice trembled again while he was trying to move his legs to himself. 'Get the hell up!!!!!' he said to himself. 

The boy suddenly pointed out the knife again, scaring Akio, preventing him from getting up. "That's not a he. She's a girl.  And her name is Tsuki. So explain now why she is laying next to you."

"I-i don't know... He- sorry, she followed me and just d-didn't leave. I was scared that s-she would attack me. Please don't hurt me. My arm is already bleeding and I fainted. I-i just want to go home."

"Home?" he asked sarcastically. "You can't go home. You're out now." 

"What does that mean? I told you. I didn't fall on purpose, it was an accident."

"You said somebody pushed you."

Akio rolled his eyes, "Yeah, but..."

The boy pulled back the knife again. Akio took offence. I'm so pathetic that he doesn't even think that I'm a threat. What a relief, huh.

"What's the plan?"

"I don't know." He scratched his head with confusion. "You ask too many questions."

"Won't they come look for you?"

He got angry all of a sudden. "Of course they will. They are probably looking for me now."

This boy had a condescending behaviour towards Akio. "You're sure that they'll know you're missing?"

"What is your problem?!" Akio yelled and tried to get up.

Ah, again. The knife got out but this time the boy was almost sitting on him, very very close to his neck. I jumped right to it, Akio thought.

His breath brushed his cheek, "Don't. You. Ever. Yell. Again. You are in my territory and I can kill you right this second without making any explanation to anyone. Do you get it?" 

Akio shivered. "Y-yeah. Sorry."

"Now..." He observed Akio's white neck. Wow, he really wants to cut me up, Akio thought to himself. "You have two options: either you come with me and pay me not to kill you or you stay here, dying from bleeding or better, the cold."

"Dying? O-okay. I'll come with you." he said exasperatedly.

He finally got up no thanks to the knife boy, and with his movement, his new pet wolfie- Tsuki, woke up too.

"What's your name?" 

He glared at him and sighed with distress. "Ryu."

Tskui wagged his tail happily.


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