Caught | HyunMinSung

15.6K 129 313

Pairing: sub!top!jisung, dom!bottom!minho, dom!hyunjin

Plot summary: Jisung signs up for a dating app and doesn't know about his match's roommate.

Contains: cross-dressing, threesome, orgasm denial, slight voyeurism???, the briefest mention of a breeding kink and overstimulation, implied aftercare

Requested by: xo_LeeKnow

Word count: 8,000

Look, idk how to write short smut. I apologize. Hope this is a good first impression!


Dating apps didn't actually work, did they? They're usually a scam. At least, that's what Jisung thought, but after being lonely for his entire adult life, which was going on five years, he was desperate. Nothing else had worked, so what was the harm in signing up for a dating app?

He made the account and tried his best to sound somewhat interesting. He wasn't sure what to write about himself, so he just wrote down that he was a "lonely music student working as a barista" along with some other stuff that might've made him seem more appealing. Nothing too enticing, but he gave what he had to offer.

Jisung uploaded his photos, mostly selfies, along with one slightly risqué full-body photo that he took of himself the previous week that showed some slight skin. He finished creating his account and was immediately met with faces of different people on the app who seemed to be in the same general situation as him.

At that point, he should've turned his phone off and gone back to work, but he didn't. It wasn't busy, and he didn't think anyone would show up. He began swiping on profiles, taking his time to look through their bio and was shocked at how some people described themselves. They were more than vain, and he swiped past tons of people who wrote only about how "amazing and spectacular" they were without giving any more information.

There were a few that intrigued him, seeing as they weren't as full of themselves and actually talked about their interests, to which he swiped right. After going through numerous profiles for probably ten minutes, the front door rang, signaling an incoming customer. He shoved his phone in his apron pocket and got right back to work, tending to the customer's needs.


At home now, he was free to swipe as he pleased. There were no cameras, no prying eyes. It was just him alone, as per usual.

He didn't realize how addicted he truly became to just snooping at people's profiles. At some point, he stopped looking at them as potential partners and more to psychoanalyze them. He was interested in seeing how they portrayed themselves and how they would show the rest of the world what they thought would make them a suitable partner.

It was getting late, nearing 11 PM, and he hadn't eaten since his lunch break at 3 that day. His stomach growled, basically screaming at him to get something to eat before it ate itself. He shut off his phone, deciding to comply with his body's complaints.

He groaned as he got off of the uncomfortable, second-hand couch and made his way to the kitchen area, placing his phone in his pocket. He looked through his cabinets, not feeling in the mood to cook anything big, and decided on the microwavable rice he had stored in one of the cabinets behind the canned soup that he was never going to eat.

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