Symphony | Minsung

10K 87 126

Pairing: top!minho, bottom!jisung

Plot summary: Minho and Jisung are enemies in their university symphony orchestra.

Contains: pwp, public oral sex, Minho trying to be dom but it actually soft, pretty vanilla sex, hand around throat - not choking, implied aftercare

Requested by:  @MentalHealthWentPoof

Word count: 7,906

Notes: Hope this is alright! It is slightly edited, but not fully, so I do apologize if there's any inconsistencies or misspelling or anything. 


When playing music with your university's orchestra, most of the time, the players in the same section get along. They enjoy each other's company and love to learn from one another to improve their skills. It wasn't uncommon for different sections to butt heads like the woodwinds and the brass sections going at each other in a constant battle of who was better, but individual players were supposed to get along with one another.

But for Minho and Jisung, that wasn't the case.

They were both flute players, Jisung being first chair and Minho, much to his dismay, being second chair. Minho was the one who was mostly aggravating the circumstance, not happy with his placement of second chair. He knew when he auditioned that he'd surely get first chair with how much he practiced. His whole days leading up to the auditions were spent hours upon hours of just practicing, playing the same pieces over and over again until they were perfect. It was crucial to him to get first chair.

When he was told that he had been placed in second, the conductor was sure he'd be ecstatic since that was a major achievement. But Minho was furious. All the time he'd spent practicing was squandered upon being placed in the second chair. To anyone else, it wouldn't have mattered one way or another. They were happy to have even made it in. But Minho was hellbent on being first chair. Especially since the person in first chair was two years younger than him.

Jisung, on the other hand, didn't spend all of his time practicing. He was just naturally gifted at playing the instrument. He had a strange talent with music, being able to just play anything without barely putting in any effort. Of course, some pieces were harder than others, but he'd yet been presented with a piece that he hadn't been able to master within a week. And that talent certainly paid off during the auditions.

So, now, while the rest of the flute players got along with each other, Minho had an unspoken rivalry with Jisung. And Jisung was well aware of it. Minho made it very clear during sectional practice with the way he'd glare at Jisung, who naturally took the lead of the group. He'd be reluctant to listen, but would end up having to do what he said regardless of if they wanted to get any work done because Jisung was anything if not stubborn. He made sure Minho knew his place.

"You're out of tune," Jisung bluntly said, having paused the rest of the section as he stared at Minho.

Minho turned on the tuner sitting on his stand and played multiple notes and adjusted the head piece of the flute and his embouchure to make the red light turn green. "I'm in tune."

"You are now. You weren't a minute ago." Jisung looked at the rest of the section before looking back at his sheet music for the two flute parts. "Okay, you guys were speeding up. This section of the part is supposed to be dark and gloomy, and you were making it sound like a march. Make sure you're keeping time. Let's try again from... 84."

He decided to aid the group by clapping his hands to the tempo that the piece was meant to be played at before counting off. He listened intently to the sections all playing together, making sure that they sounded harmonious. For the first few measures, it was good. They were in time with each other, sounding lovely. But a few measures later came the runs.

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