if i died tonight you'd try to fuck my bitch

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                                                                               Peep's pov 

We we're waiting for Tracy and she was looking at my tattoos when she started to trace my tattoos with her finger all of the sudden she says "so what's your phone number" " oh hand me your phone i'll put it in" she handed me her phone and i put my phone number in and gave it back. Tracy pulled up "who's this"  "this is Y/n" 

                                                                   back to Y/n's pov 

We got in Tracy's truck and I looked at peep and he smiled at me. It felt like we had been in the truck for hours Tracy's truck finally came to a stop Peep got out so i followed him. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a room  he looked at my wrist i quickly pulled my sleeve down before he could see it he pulled my sleeve back up "wanna talk about it" "no not really" "okay, I'm here if you want to talk" i pulled my sleeve back down he pulled some coke out of his bag and started making some lines after he finished we obviously snorted it splitting it evenly 8 lines for each we then headed back to Tracy's truck and went home

                        A few days later

 i picked up my phone to call gus he answered on the first ring "hey lil penis" "my penis isn't lil" "sure whatever you want to tell yourself" "do you want to see" "no i don't thank you very much, anyways the reason i called you is to ask you to come over" "yea i'll be right there" it felt like i was waiting for hours but eventually I heard a knock on the door I got and ran towards the door and opened "HII PEEPP" I practically screamed  "hey y/n" I hugged him with all my force "y/n you're squeezing the life out of me" "oh sorry" I say letting him go "it's fine" we walk into the living room.

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