bitch i know you see me shining in my white tee

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I felt my light up at his words and I somehow managed to say, "i feel the same.", i looked away from him hoping he wasn't joking. He grabbed my face gently and made me look at him his hands were soft. He smiles widely and before i knew it our lips were locked together he moved his hands from my face down to my waist i feel butterflies arise in my stomach  he lays on his back.

he gently moved me onto his lap never breaking the kiss I stopped for a second and said, "Hey, Gus i'm not ready for this yet i hope you understand.", "that's okay, y/n i'm not gonna rush you into anything you don't want to do." ,"thank you for understanding.", He then took my hand and led me downstairs .

  "Where are we going?",  "you'll see.", He said giggling. I followed him all the way to the car. "Get in.", he said opening the door for me. "Yes, sir.", i said giggling. he just smiled and continued to drive. We eventually arrived at a cliff where he parked the car. "I wanted to show you the stars.", He said with a big goofy smile on his face. "They're beautiful.", He then got on top of the roof of the car. i followed him. "look  there's the big dipper.", I stayed quite amazed by the stars. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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