Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

I left Theo's room in stunned silence.

I didn't know what to say, and it's not as if I had much time to say anything afterwards because that was the only thing about this sex that actually stayed the same. As soon as we were both spent, muscles aching and bodies bleeding, Theo had ordered that I leave immediately to let him sleep in peace.

Right after he had let me push him down on his back and have my way with him. I did things to him that I had only imagined in my wildest of fantasizes. Things that I wanted to savor and enjoy with him, things that I hoped he would also relish in. However, something about it all felt wrong, different.

Was it because of what Rara had said?

Was there really a Titan inside Theo?

The more I thought about it, the more I began to believe it to be true. There had to be. Theo, while he enjoyed sex, especially rough sex, was not the type to become intimate and passionate. He never let me push him down. I always took him from behind and he would never let me look at his face while we were together like that. He wouldn't even let me kiss him. He would only order me to ravage his back, dig my nails into his hips in a way that made me wonder how his hips hadn't shattered.

This time was different and I knew instinctively that something was wrong. It wasn't just the fact that I was exhausted, not just from pleasing him, but also myself. It wasn't just the fact that he moaned and writhed beneath me, begging-- mind you, begging, not ordering, but begging-- for more. It also wasn't the fact that he had made my body ache with pleasure at being able to fulfill twisted fantasizes.

It was the fact that the person I had just had sex with was not Theo.

The realization hit me so hard that I almost fell to my knees by the time I reached the throne room, staring at the floor, breathing hard.

Rara had been right. That wasn't Theo. Theo would never have done something like that to me, for me, with me. Theo did not love me. Theo did not care about me. I was merely his servant, one that he salvaged from the brink of death. I was nothing special to him and we both knew that. Whoever was inside Theo now was only using him, using his body.

That thought went through me like lightening and I was caught off guard by the sudden surge of raw anger that snapped through me like the fires of hell.

Someone was using Theo.

Someone was treating Theo like he was nothing, but a puppet. A marionette with no will of its own.

I seethed, saliva spitting out at the marble. I clenched my fists against the marble, feeling my muscles snap taut. I couldn't fight the scream of rage that flew past my teeth. I pushed myself up angrily to my feet, taking long, angry strides toward the kitchen. I threw the doors open, making several of the servants inside yelp and cry out in shock.

I scanned the room for Rara, spotting her coming toward me from one of the side doors. I approached her quickly, grabbing her arm, making her gasp in surprise and open her mouth, probalby to make a sarcastic retort, but I spoke before she could.

"You were right." I managed past the rage that was so harsh that I was seeing red. Rara blinked, her eyes slowly widening before she nodded and grabbed my arm, leading me out the back door of the kitchen to the platform outside that looked out over the field behind the palace, the river gently flowing nearby. Rara turned to face me, frowning as she let go of my arm.

"How do you know? Did you find proof?" She demanded. I glared at her, fists clenched at my sides as I tried to reel in my temper, but it was impossible and I found myself spewing out words angrily.

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