Untitled Part 1

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All Meteorn arrived on the planet without their memories, although there was a rumor that some retained bits and pieces here and there, unlike him. Perhaps, the fact—

There was always that thought lurking in the back of his mind that each Meteorn, in fact, retained memories of some kind, with his coming in the form of grief, an impending doom which had already occurred on what for him was an endless journey. Yet, he couldn 't place it, nor could he remember his name—his own name.

The only thing he knew about himself was his own reflection with the shaggy red hair and the dark blue eyes along with the scar which ran across his face from right below his right eye across the bridge of his nose to the edge of his left cheek. He was considered well built, one of the things those who found him commented upon, and he knew he liked the color red when it came to what he wore if he could.

There was nothing to hold him down without memories, particularly with that urge to fight against the Dolls, which haunted the world around him. Dolls—there was something that didn 't seem quite right, yet he let himself fight them.

And so he wandered from region to region, the place and people seemingly changing every time he arrived back in the area, typically when he needed a change of pace from living off the land, finding someplace where he could sleep through the night.

He 'd wandered in, not expecting the concert yet found himself sitting there, listening as the people of Retem—there was a change, yet he felt the words of the song spoke to him. He'd planned on simply leaving but then stopped, thinking, watching Nadereh—that was the idol's name, greeting her people, slowly making her rounds.

"You're a stranger, aren't you?"

"Yes. Though I've been through," he said. "Life is hard here, but it seems lighter for some reason."

"We defeated Renus Retem."

"Ah. Even I'm not crazy enough to take that beast on by myself. And I know, even though I don't know myself, that I'm not crazy." He looked at her. "Which means you found a team to take it on?

"It was this Meteorn and their friends," Nadereh said. "There's something about them, though. I can't place it."

"Almost like a shining light?"

"Oh. Yes."

"I guess I should keep an eye out for them in my travels." He let out a laugh. "And your song—the songs you sang."


"It sounds so familiar yet is so new." He sighed. "Then again, when you're a Meteorn."

"Maybe you will meet up with them."


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