Luca is back! ☆(≧∀≦*)ノ

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Luca's POV: Ah I'm so excited! I'm finally heading back to make videos with the squad!
The reason I left for a while was because I needed to take care of finical stuff (not actually real) but I'm back on my feet. It's been a while since I've seen everyone, I wonder how they look because I haven't been able to talk to them for a while.

I walk out to the front of the squad's house to see my brother waiting for me. "Luca! I'm so glad your coming back to the squad." Levi says as he walks up to me and hugs me. He looks a lot different, and way taller too. "Thanks Levi, I'm really glad to." I say while hitting his shoulder.

"Well you haven't really missed anything, except you have a chance with Charlie." Levi says with a smirk. "H-huh?! I thought she would end up with light while I was gone!" I yell at loud. "Well light ended up feeling bad as soon as you left, I guess no one told him the real reason why you left so he thought it was because of him and a few other things. So he tried his best to lose feelings for Charlie and he ended up losing feelings for her." He says as he walk's to the door.

"Light did that..for me?" I stand there in shock. You see when I first joined the squad me and light were good friends. He was the nicest one to me there, he always made funny jokes and never made me feel left out, we bonded a lot and it was nice to have his company. When I met Charlie, she was my best friend so at first I didn't like her romantically. But then I developed feelings for her and I guess light could tell because he started to ignore me.

We started to drift after a while and we didn't talk as much. It really sucked when he at some point completely ignored me, and when he talked to Charlie, I felt so jealous. When Alex then changed the roles that me and light would fight for Charlie, I could already see light staring at me. "Sure I don't mind, if that's fine with you Luca, after all you two are Just friends." Light said while crossing his arms. We both glared at each other while Charlie and the rest of the squad looked confused.

Part of me hated light! But then again I really wanted to be friends with him. I then ended up dealing with financial stuff so I told the squad I was going to leave for a while. Everyone did hug me goodbye and I hated to not see Charlie. But as I look from the corner of my eyes light looked sad? That was 7 months ago though.

"Yea he did do that for you, but Charlie doesn't know that light doesn't like her, and I have a feeling she still likes him, but you can always try." Levi said as he was waiting for me to come to the door. I smile a bit and walk to the door. Levi opens the door and everyone bursts out saying, "Welcome back Luca!" Although I can't see sora and light, this made me feel so happy.

I was so happy to see everyone that I almost cried. I hugged most of the squad members and hugged Charlie the most, I was blushing like crazy, but only Charlie wasn't able to tell I liked her, or atleast it feels like I still like her. "Welcome back man! So happy to see you!" Jaxx says with the biggest smile. "Yea we missed you so much!!" Charlie says while hugging me again.

Alex starts talking to me about a few stuff because even though I haven't missed much, it seems like a lot has changed. Everyone looks so different too! As we are talking I couldn't help but notice Sora was talking to someone but Levi was covering the view. I look a little back and I noticed it's light. I couldn't help but stare at him for a bit. He looks.. stunning! I then snapped out of it when sora noticed me and waved, light turned his direction towards me too.

We both make eye contact for a second, both a little shocked, when suddenly Alex snaps me out of it. "Luca you alright? You were spacing out a bit." Alex then has a worried face. "Y-yea! I'm good, I'm just so happy to be here." I say with a garnish smile on my face.

Just then light and sora stop talking and come over to me and Alex. Although he looks different, his shortness and face still stays the same. "Hey.. Luca could I talk to you in private?" Light says while looking away. The squad's attention is on us. I don't know how to feel right now.

"Yea light.. sure that's fine.." I say as I awkwardly follow him to the hallway with the dim lights. We stand there for a minute awkwardly. Then he finally says something. "Listen Luca I.. I'm really sorry.." Light says looking down sad. "Your.. sorry? For what?" I say in shock.

"About how I treated you, we use to be so close, till I found out you like Charlie.. I got so mad. Even though I called her a simp, I did like her, I was just afraid of what the fans would think. You two were so close so I was afraid you would end up together. But as we fought in video's as "pretend" I knew we were actually fighting over her. When you left, I realized what a great friend I lost.." He then looks up at me.

Woah, I can't believe I just heard all of that. I don't even know what to say, I'm just standing there in shock! "Light..." As I'm about to finish light looks at me with a sincere face. It almost looked like a baby trying to be tough, it was.. kind of amusing. "But in order to fix what I've done I tried my best to lose feelings for Charlie! She probably didn't even like me anyways because it was all a act. Anyways I did end up losing feelings so I hope that proves that I'm sorry."

Light..I can't believe he would do that just to prove that he's sorry. "Light, I appreciate that.. and I'm sorry too, I treated you badly as well and I knew you liked her! Yet I still tried to get with her. But seeing I could've lost a friend over a girl made me realize how stupid I was being." I say while scratching my head. Light starts to giggle while covering his mouth and we both look at each other while laughing. He was still covering his face though.

"Can you believe we almost stopped being friends just because of a girl?!" Light says while he stops laughing and looks at me. "Yea I really can't believe it." I then put my pinky out. "Truce?" Light then looks up at me. "Seriously? Isn't that a bit cheesy?" He says with a concerning face. "Is it a truce or not?" I said while putting my pinky more near him. Light looks at my pinky while sighing and wraps his pinky around mine. "Truce."

We then walked out while we see the others talking. "There you guys are you took forever!" Sora says while jumping towards me and light. I then walk over to Levi. "Sorry me and Luca are just to cool for you guys." Light says while wrapping his arm around my shoulder, standing on his tippy toes and giving me the brightest smile ever. "Hey! You little... come here!" Sora then playfully tackles light as light is laughing hard on the floor.

*bu dump*
*bu dump*
*bu dump*

My heart.. started beating like crazy. What was this?! Light smiled at me.. and it made me feel all warm? Could I maybe.. snap out of it Luca! There's no way you like him! It's probably because we are friends again right? I look at Charlie. Her with her sweet smile. But for some reason I don't feel that.. attracted to her anymore... it's probably because we have been a way from each other for so long!

Then I look at light. Him with his purple eyes, little freckles, that small bandage he got from skating and tripping, his rosy pink cheeks, and his..laugh. When did Light get so enchanting.. and cute.. what the hell luca! Snap out of it, you like Charlie not him! There's nothing wrong with complementing guys!

Charlie gets very clingy with light and he brushes her off a bit but she hangs near his hand a bit, light seeming awkward. My blood boiled while looked very pissed that they were so close. But it wasn't light that I was jealous of.. it was Charlie?

"Ooo jealous light might steal her away? Don't worry light doesn't like her anymore." Levi says while bumping my shoulder. "Yea I know you and light already told me that." I said with a small smile. Then Levi's face goes to curious. "What were you two talking about any-" Then Alex flicks Levi in the head. "Ow! What was that for Alex?!" Levi says looking directly at her while placing his hands on his forehead in pain.

"Don't be so nosy Levi! It's there business not yours." Alex says while crossing her arms and looking away. "I'm nosy? You were just listening to me and my brother's conversations!" Levi and Alex then start to argue. Although they are best friends, they sure do act like a married couple.

As I shake my head in disapproval, I take a moment to look at Charlie. She's talking to Jaxx and she's really enjoying herself, she's so pretty! But why isn't my heart reacting? I look back at light to see him talking to sora, his smile looks so sweet and nourishing, I couldn't help but smile. But all I could do was stare at light as they both turned their heads at me. Smiling at Charlie, while nervously waving at light, I started to look down. What is this feeling?! I shouldn't be acting like this! Sure I'm bi sexual, well I think I am, I would never be attracted to light! ...right?

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