Charlie and Sora's evil plan ٩(๑òωó๑)۶

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Charlie's POV: Ughh.. what time is it..? I stretch my arms and yawn as I look at the time. Only 5:49? I thought I would sleep more, after all me, Light, and Luca were out pretty late. I was pretty shocked about how Luca liked Light, but as long as my best friends are happy, then I am too! Even if it means giving up my feelings for Light.

I then notice a purple bracelet on my small table next to my bed, inches away from falling down. I quickly grab it and realize it's belongs to Light! Well that and theres a big L on the middle bead in the center. When did he leave it with me? Oh well, I'll just give it to him now.

It's really early, but I might as well see if Light is awake! I walk to his room, and I see the door slightly open with the lamp on, that must mean he's awake! "Light!  I think you left your bracelet with me-" My eyes widen as I look to see Luca and Light cuddling.

Woah, didn't expect Luca to put the moves on Light already! Wait to go bestie! I take a quick photo and send the photo to Luca before snickering out of the room, turning the lamp off and shutting the door quietly. He will thank me for this later!

As I turn around, I see Sora peeking out of his room. "Charlie..? What are you doing near Light's room? Wait... don't tell me.." I cover his mouth shushing him. "Shhh! Listen, before you say anything, no. I was gonna drop off his bracelet when I saw-" I then pause, realizing I'm the only one Luca told.

"Well what did you see? What, were his grippers exposed when you walked in?" Sora said chuckling before walking near his room, trying to find out what I saw. I then rush up towards him to stop him. "Hey! Thats an invasion of privacy!" He then gives me a confused look. "Whatever you saw must have been-" He opens the door shocked to find Light and Luca cuddling like lovers.

"Woah... looks like I was right about the two..!"
He says before closing the door. God Luca is gonna kill me if he finds out I let Sora find out! Wait... what did he mean he was right? "Uhh, Sora, what do you mean by that?" I ask confused. He then smirks and puts his arms on his hips. "Well, if you have to know... I figured out he liked Light as soon as he came back~"

"WHAT?! HOW?!" I yell confused on how he would know. He then shushes me as he takes me to the back porch before shutting the door. "God Charlie people are sleeping! Lets talk out here." He says sighing as I apologize. "Anyways I kind of suspected it, considering how he was super distant with you, since he use to-" He then stops his mouth. Huh?

"What do you mean...?" I ask confused. "Um.. well he... sorta... maybe.. kind of use to... like you..." He says hiding his face. My face widens as I realize how he use to act with me. "Im so stupid! How did I not realize it before!" I say slapping my face. "Yea, you are pretty stupid." He says before I slap him in behind his head, he winces in pain as I tell him to continue.

"Well, since I was confused that he was so unaffectionate, I asked him, when I said is it because he likes someone else, he froze up." My face then turns into realization. "Ohh, so that why! Then how did you come to know it was Light?" He then signs laughing. "Easy, look at the way he looks at Light, he never looked at him the way he does now, it was be a shocker if he didn't like him." He says cracking his knuckles.

Then he looks at me with a confused face. "But, it seems like you knew as-well, how did you find out?" I then scratch my head. "Well he kind of just... told me? He thought I still liked Light so he wanted to clear up misconceptions. So he just told me yesterday." Sora then gains a shocked face. "You don't like Light anymore?!" He screams on the top of his lungs.

I then smile sadly. "Well, I do, but I decided to cheer for my best friend, I know they will take care of eachother and I want them to be happy!" I say with a cheery face. I then feel a pair of arms wrap around me. I then hug back. "Charlie, your such a good person, I promise one day your gonna find the right person for you." He say's burying his face into my shoulder, feeling bad.

I giggle before letting go of the hug. "Trust me Sora, I'm fine! But thank you." I explain before sighing. "But knowing Luca, he'll never tell Light, and Light is to dumb to find out, I really wanna help them though.." Then, Sora stands up proudly, wearing a smug look on his face.

"Well, lets help them by making a plan for them to realize!" I then look up Sora and give him a high five! "We should! Your so smart Sora!" We exclaim laughing before Levi walks out to where we are with a grumpy look. We gulp as we nervously chuckle. "What are you guys doing being so loud right now." Levi says with an angry look.

Just then Sora runs to Levi and hooks onto him. "I know! Why don't we get Levi involved in the plan!" He exclaims before my face lights up, while Levi stands there confused. "Great idea again! But what would he be used for?" I ask confused. Sora scratches his head before looking at Levi.

"Hmmm, well, we want Luca to do something about his feelings, like take action, and we want Light to find if he has any interest in Levi, so... why don't we make Levi act like he has feelings for Light and make it obvious for the two! Luca will get jealous and want to do something while if he does do something Light will gain feelings for Luca!" Sora says with a grin while Levi's expression widens.

"Hold on hold on, first off, I never agreed to anyone of this, and Luca likes Light?" Levi says confused as ever. I shake my head as I approach the two. "Yes that's right! Also please help us! Don't you want to help your brother be with someone he likes that makes him happy~"
I say with an innocent smile, Sora then joins.

Levi rolls his eyes as he sighs. "I mean... if it's for Luca I don't see why not, but I'm surprised that Luca likes Light, I'm even more surprised I have to act like I have feelings for him." Levi says acting likes he gonna throw up as me and sora hug him. "Thanks Levi! We owe you a bunch!" Sora says before dragging Levi and me into his room to discuss the plan better. This is perfect! Operation Lulight is a go!


Hey! Just wanted to apologize for the short chapter and I wanted to just hurry and publish this but don't worry because I'll make sure the next chapter is long! Thank you to whoever is reading this! 💗

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