a connection (*/ω\*)

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TW: Mentions of death!

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I ask. Its a fully black room, nothing can be seen. My eyes wonder in panic. I calm down as I start to walk. I walk for a while until I feel myself shake. The room starts to shake as I tumble to the ground.

Just then, two people stand in front of me. I look up to see faceless figures with human features. Why do they look like... "Mother... Father...?" I exclaim, my eyes widening, why were they here? I noticed my fathers black hair and my mothers white locks, but where were their faces? I try to get up from the ground, but im stick to it like a fly in a fly trap.

I hear laughing, they are laughing. Why are they laughing? Just then, the room fills with more people. They are all laughing, at me. I finally manage to get up and start running, all the people laughing follow me, why won't this stop?! I don't like this.. why am I here... "Leave me alone and get me the hell out of here!"

Everything stops. All the laughing, everyone is gone. I fall to my knees, gasping for air. Just then, my parents appear in fron of me again. "You are a failure, and you know it. You could have taken on the business yet you chose to go with them. You are a disgrace." My father says, his face appearing back with nothing but disgust in his eyes.

"My son.. why did you take your brother with you? Your brother was just fine, but you just had to take him away, he was a better match for the company yet you chose to influence him in your disgraceful actions, you are to never return to us until you accept who you are." Mother says. My eyes shake, guilt and sadness in my eyes. As I get up, I am slapped right in the face.

"We should have never had you. One day your friends will realize what a failure you are, and they will leave you." Father says before they both walk off into the distance. Everything starts to crumble apart, and I fall into a void. I yell and feel myself hit the ground. My eyes try to open. I then see a figure hover over my laid down body.

Get up. Hello?

Wake up.


Levi's POV: I pant and gasp for air as I awake. My whole body shaking as I feel a hand on my head. Its Luca. "Levi?! Whats wrong?! Are you ok!?" He says, fear in his eyes. I sigh before taking off my covers. "Yea.. I just had a nightmare, thats all." I say before Luca hugs me. "Alright, if you wanna talk about I'm here, ok?" He says with a gentle smile. I calm down and smile back.

"Why are you in here anyways?" I ask before walking to the bathroom. Luca then sighs as he collapses on my bed. "Um... well..." He pauses. I turn to look at him and he looks nervous. Ah. I think he wants to talk about what I said yesterday. Luca thinks I like Light, which I don't, but I have to act like it for now, for Sora and Charlie's plan. Now I've made him believe I like Light, at-least I hope so.

"Something the matter Luca?" I ask, trying to sound as confused as possible. But I am kind of bummed out. He told Charlie and Sora, but not his own brother? I shrug it off and look at him. "Oh! W-well.. Alex wanted me to tell you we are filming today! And you've been sleeping for a while so..." He say's scratching the back of his head. He's so easy to read when he's lying.

I decide not to push it, even though I know everything, I'll act clueless for now. Sora and Charlie's plan is working so far so I don't want to ruin it. "Oh ok, but we film almost all the time, so tell her she doesn't need to keep reminding me." I exclaim laughing, feeding into his lie. He smiles before getting out of the room.

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