We Were Happy

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Sirius didn't just love Remus. He was good at loving Remus. It came as naturally to the boy as breathing. He loved the way Remus always pulled the threads on the sleeves of his sweaters when he was bored, so all of his clothes were threading at the edges. Or the way he would smile. It always started with his lips tugging gently on his cheeks, then the smile moved to his eyes, the amber sparks glowing with a happiness that never ceased to shock Sirius. He would never be able to comprehend, that Remus could ever have loved Sirius as much as Sirius loved him.

They were happy.

Suddenly Sirius had flashbacks to all the times they would sneak throughout the corridors of the castle, hearts beating louder than the fall of their footsteps. Their wands shining bright as they went on adventures together. Before they had responsibilities or places to be. Before, when the two boys had all of their lives ahead of them. Two lives they planned to share together.

They were happy.

He could recall when they snuck into Hogsmeade together like it was yesterday. Giddy on each other's presence and the possibilities ahead, he couldn't help but wonder how he'd gotten so lucky. Remus threw his arms around Sirius' neck. Back then when he still deserved it. He wanted to close his eyes, and stay in that moment forever.

They were happy.

Sure, they had they're rough spots. Every couple did. But when it was good, Sirius felt as if he would never come down from the clouds. Like he couldn't stop loving Remus John Lupin if he wanted to. It wasn't a superficial love like some of the other couples had. It was something so unworldly, that neither one of them could explain. No one could touch the way they laughed in the dark. Talking about a flat in London they were going to buy someday.

They were happy.

All he could think of was when they would play games with cut up bedsheets. Watching gobstones fall down. That's sort of how Sirius felt right now. But saying goodbye to the other player would be so much harder.

They were happy.

Oh, how he hated those voices telling him Remus couldn't be trusted in the end. But he thought there were no other choices. That's what the tears running down his cheeks now were for.

They were happy.

Sirius sat on the cold floor of his new cell sobbing. "We were happy."

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