fifty one; girls on film

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The apartment was in a mess. Everyone was rushing to help Vee with her with her fashion show and it was a day until the deadline. Everything was going completely wrong — her models were late and one of them was out with food poisoning, she was making changes to everything, and she was obviously second guessing herself.

Outside of her life, Rachel had somehow weaselled her way into getting her own reality TV show, despite recklessly almost getting fired from her Broadway show. Why people in positions of power trusted her, she would never know.

(It was nothing against Rachel, Vee just felt as though the once ambitious and driven girl had morphed into an irresponsible one.)

"Kelsey!" Vee called for her (two day only) assistant that she managed to book through Genevieve. "Have we found a replacement for Eric?"

Eric was the model that had contracted a bad case of food poisoning and therefore couldn't model. While Vee did feel bad for him — she sent him a get well soon card — she was stressed about her situation. With no other replacement, her only real option was to cut out one of her outfits.

"Sorry, still nothing. Everyone's booked for tomorrow," Kelsey said with an apologetic expression.

Vee wasn't surprised. There were a high number of people fighting for the spot as number one, and they were definitely preparing all day, meaning booking as many models as possible. All the effort was simply for a ten minute show, one the judges would undoubtedly see repeatedly throughout the day.

To stand out was difficult. Vee didn't know who else was there, how good they were. She knew she had talent, it was a given with her early graduation. But there were billions of people inhabiting the planet. How many of them was just like her? How many of them were better?

She sighed and rubbed her temple with one hand, her mandatory cup of coffee held in the other. She didn't love coffee (she simply tolerated it), but the hideous cat mug made from her one and only trip to Colour Me Mine helped with her distaste.

"Hey, you okay?" Sam asked gently as he walked towards her. He then took a good look at the mug she held and cracked a smile. "That wouldn't happen to be your Jupiter mug, would it?"

"First of all, no. I am the opposite of okay. And second of all, yes, yes it is," she gave him a tight-lipped smile, showing him the mug.

"Well, Rachel said that her script is ready," Sam said in an attempt to brighten Vee's solemn mood.

"I don't think that's a good thing," she made a disgusted face.

Rachel's show that she had gotten was not looking too good. After risking an entire career in Broadway, some company had decided to grant her a test pilot. Unfortunately, Vee didn't have a good feeling about it.

Rachel seemed less and less hyped the more she waited, while the others never really held out any hope in the first place. Kurt, being the good friend that he was, was attempting to tell Rachel not to take the deal as he also had a horrible feeling about it. But she'd decided against listening to his advice.

"If it makes you feel any better, I got an audition," he chuckled.

But before Vee could even react, Santana burst into the house, snapping her fingers and looking around in urgency.

"Kelsey, latte, now," she ordered as she made her way to Sam and Vee. "I'm loving your new assistant. You should keep her around."

"Yeah, right," she scoffed. "I can't afford her, she's too good," Vee replied.

Proving her point further was Kelsey arriving to hand Santana her cup of coffee. Santana shot her a grateful look before taking a sip from it and sighing in bliss. Kelsey truly was a godsend.

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