Special Suits Situation

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Before the disaster! (Part 2)

"... And in summary.. Since you look like you're about to drop any second is that us Yeagerists are willing to give up our lives to make this cure work. Join us and you will be immortal to the undead. Together, we will rule all of mankind and it's new species." Grisha had finished his speech, you were already zoning out but managed to listen to the last part. Hange was taking notes on the table while Sasha was eating her leftover snack. Connie was sleeping, leaning over you and your arm.

Grisha kept his eyes at you, Yelena had already taken a seat. Zeke wasn't paying attention to Grisha not one bit, his eyes were glued onto you. "Any questions?" Grisha sighed, relieved that he was done with his speech shorter than usual. "When are we leaving?" Sasha said, stuffing her face with food. "Sasha.. stop. What do you mean by 'cure' and 'new species'..?" You muttered the first part to Sasha, who dogged her food like it was her last.

"Oh! Well, the cure was inven-" Then Yelena cut him off, "He made a mistake. He used Eren's pet as an experiment now we're in this mess. You should know Eren, he's your student. Sorry sir, it's the truth." She walked closer to you, in front of Grisha. "I'm going to need you to evacuate this school, it's not safe." Yelena was staring into your soul. Not in a rude way, but also not in a joyful way, either.

The same headache came back and it was burning your thoughts, you rubbed your temples before putting your head down in your arms. Connie had his hand held to yours, since he didn't like being alone. Hange had grown slight eye-bags but was interested in the speech that Grisha had just ended. "We need to evacuate the school? You're doing something illegal, aren't you?" you were stressed, even the words you have said shown that you're irritated. "Yes, you don't have a choice. Don't try to fight it like the other karen-teachers.." Zeke sighed, just wanting to end the discussion since it's taking longer than usual.

Grisha smacked his head once again, trying to shut Zeke's potty-mouth. Sasha snickered but looked away quickly, not wanting anyone to know it was her. Then, she coughed, turning into a full-on choke. Coughing an wheezing, her eyes watered, putting her food down. Hange patted Sasha's back, while Connie was awoke from his little nap. He was giggling at her, whispering 'idiot' to Sasha. Grisha was standing awkwardly, patiently thinking about what he needed to say next.

Minutes passed, Sasha's situation died down finally. Grisha then opened his mouth to speak, "Now that has been settled, you understand what you need to do, am I correct?" Hange, Sasha, Connie and you nodded. Grisha smiled in acceptance. "Good, we will be taking our leave. Be aware on your surroundings, it's not going to be comfortable as it used to." Then, Yelena opened the briefcase, weapons were displayed on each side of it. She tossed an outfit to you and Hange, it was a full suit. The color was raven black, the bold red letters Y.S were both designed on the tie, and the maroon armband that went with it.

The matching suits that were handed out to you and Hange were clean and neat. Connie and Sasha's were given a school uniform-related outfit, it was also clean and polished. The collar of the shirt had little Y.S on them, the color itself was maroon. While the pants being it's usual black, the comfortable jacket were raven black and had red designs on it.

"The letters on your suits and uniforms mean 'Yeagerists Survivors'. I left weapons on the table, please survive.. For us. You're strong, you'll make it out alive, trust me." Yelena stared at you with pleasing eyes, then shifted back to normal when she headed out the door with Dr. Grisha and Zeke. "Thank you, Yeagerists! I hope we can all meet up again!" Hange called out through the door, before the group left. They put their notebook in their pocket, while their other hand was fixing the foggy glasses. Sasha and Connie were already in their separate bathrooms, changing to the outfits that were handed out to them. "Something really bad is probably going to happen. Be prepared, tell the others when they're done changing." Hange brushed their sleeves, removing the dust on them. "I know.. We need to stick together at all costs, no matter how big, bad, or small the situation is. Do you understand?" You glared at the table with the clothing, something horrible might happen, exactly what Grisha and his little group had said. "Go get the weapons, I'll hurry up the kids. It's going to be a long day." You sighed in frustration, you eventually got up and headed to the bathroom stalls in your classroom. While Hange went to prepare the weapons, they were noting each person is going to use which individual weapon.

(852 words)

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