050 ; Feelings

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two chapters in one day??? i'm so nice y'all ;)

you were so in your thoughts, you hadn't even noticed the wet substance dripping down your cheeks.

you were so in your thoughts, you hadn't even noticed the wet substance dripping down your cheeks

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you had just finished getting ready, and as soon as you had opened your door, the smell of alcohol hit your nose.

you purse your lips and exit your room, closing the door behind you.

you go to walk into the kitchen, but stop as you notice someone in there.

the persons head snapped to you, it was a man who looked just like senjuro and rengoku, except older.

this must be their father

"ah. sorry to interrupt, sir--"

"shut up! who are you, get out of my house!"

your eyebrows furrow, "i'm--"

he interrupts you by more shouting.

you turn to the side as you hear the same small footsteps approaching.

"father! this is [name], she's aniki's tsuguko!" senjuro yells out.

the man growls and pushes senjuro away, you grit your teeth in anger.

"that boy is no hashira! he doesn't deserve to have a tsuguko!"

you eye senjuro on the floor, holding his bruised cheek.

you clench your fists.

"father, please!"

the man raises his hand again, this time you take action and encase him in a layer of ice.

both senjuro's and the man's eyes widen, "people like you.. don't deserve to have children."

you walk over to senjuro with a blank, yet angry, face and help him up.

"are you all right?" your tone was more montonius than ever.

he just nods, you pat his head and bow before stepping outside.

he just nods, you pat his head and bow before stepping outside

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you continue to look forward even as someone sits next to you.

"i saw what you did there"

you continue to stare forward, but you recognise the voice as rengoku.

he looks down, "thank you"

you blink and turn to him, he smiles at you.

"but may i ask, why did you do that?"

you bite the inside of your cheek and turn your eyes to the side, "you don't have to say if you don't want to.."

you sigh.

"my father was the same. when i was a child, he would train me until i'd throw up. me and my twin brother were deemed 'perfect' by him, so we were trained to surpass the number one hero."

he frowns.

"he distanced us from the rest of our siblings, telling us they were distractions. he was even the cause of my older brother's supposed death."

you looks at you, "you say, 'supposed', why's that?"

you look down, "i believe, that he ran away. there was no body found, so i've always thought he was safe off somewhere else"

you scratch your cheek, "in my world, there are these things called quirk marriages. two people with powerful quirks would get married to try and have kids with even more powerful quirks. my father was a rich man, so he bought himself into my mother's family. "

you both look out to the garden, "every memory i have of my mother, she is crying. when i was around five, me and my brother had walked in on my mother on a phone call. she was telling her friend about how much our left side looked like our fathers, and how much she hated it. that night, she poured boiling water on both of our eyes."

rengoku hold back a gasp, he honestly thought your scar would have been an accident of sorts.

"after that, my father had sent her away"

you stare at the ground, but gasp slightly as warm arms hug your body.

you pulled close into his chest as your head lays on his shoulder.

he says nothing but hugs you, you blink as tears start to brim at your eyes.

you hug back with tears pouring from your now fragile eyes.

words ; 649

𝕄𝔼𝕋𝔸ℕ𝕆𝕀𝔸 | MHA Female!Reader X KNY (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now