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You always remember your first heart break. The way it feels as if someone ripped your heart out and smashed into ash. Like the world is crashing in around you. The way you scream and scream and scream yet no one can hear you because its all in your head. On the outside you look perfectly fine because you cant let anyone see how truly and deeply broken you are. 

Sophia graces first heart break happened one month after graduation. She was at work like any other day reading her book at the front desk waiting for the shift to be over. But today wasn't any other day. She knew it. She felt it. She had a 6th sense. She could feel when things were coming. Good and bad. They came as gut feelings or dreams or visions. Her coworkers thought her crazy, her friends knew to trust her. 

Today it came as a gut feeling. She could feel it in the air. They way the world was too still, too calm, too off. Her coworkers tried to get her to smile and feel better and although they could get a smile on her face it didn't reach her eyes and they could tell. They let her be and she watches the clock and trying to distract her mind with her book. Shes been on the same page for 15 minutes. 

She hasn't heard from him all day. He was off last night when they said good night. He didn't say I Love You. He always says them. Since their 3 month anniversary. He called her every night for 2 years now to say good night and after month 3 he added those three little words that hold so much power. He never missed a night. Even on the worst nights when she thought for sure he wouldn't call because of how bad the fight was.

She never had this feeling before. Not with him. The feeling of doom. The anxiety that ate at her mind and heart. The feeling of change and hurt. The feeling that once she heard - 


 Her phone illuminates with his name Nick<3  saying new message right underneath. Her heart drops. She has a bad feeling about this text message. Her gut says don't answer it. Don't read it until the shift is over. She glances at the clock. Work is over. Five o'clock on the dot. She peeks around the corner. One client left. They're finishing up. The assistant is putting away the rest of the product. Just them 4 left in the salon. 

Her gut tells her not to read the text. Her hands reach for her phone ignoring her gift. Her hands shakily punch in her code. His birthday. 0220. She reads the first 3 words.

Im so sorry ...

She should have listened. Listened to her gut. To her gift. Her heart breaks a little. She knows what its going to say. Her whole body now begins to shake. Its to late to read the rest of the text as she hear two pairs of foot steps approaching. She only tunes in once she hears her name.

"Sophia?" Her coworker asks with concern as she sees Sophia shake and her eyes wide. "Are you okay?" 

"Oh yeah! sorry got scared by my own shadow" Sophia jokes as she pulls up the clients ticket. She feels the comforting hand of her coworker Sara on her back. The big sister she always wanted. 10 years apart but sometimes feels as though they are 1. Sophia has to fight back the tears. Sara knows her too well. Knows something isn't okay. 

She quickly checks out the client. Desperate to read the rest of the text. Desperate to be alone with the only person she trusts at her job. Sophia plasters a smile on her face as she follows the client to the door locking it quickly behind them. She quickly goes to the computer to get Sara and her assistant Brenda their tips and closing out the drawer. 

"Sophia. Whats wrong? Why are you panicking?" Sarah asks holding Sophia's shoulders. Like she has hundreds of times since Sophia was 15 and started working at the salon. 

"Nick... H-he finally texted me. Im so sorry. Th- thats all I read."

"Maybe its him saying sorry for not saying I love you last night, for barley texting you now."

"No. Its worse. My gut-"

"Sophie," the nickname Sophia only allows her closest friends to call her, "your gut can be wrong at least once." Sara never believed in her gift even though shes been there since it became stronger and clearer. Since her 16th birthday she could sense things more accurately.  

"Sara you know thats not true. You've seen it time and time again."

"I feel like you rely on that 'gift' a little to much, but its just us here. You're safe here. Finish reading the text" 

Sara was right. Brenda left, but who knows when. Sara leads Sophia to the couch without her realizing it. Sophia begins to shake harder as she starts to unlock her phone once more.


Im so sorry Sophia. These last two years have been amazing. The good and the bad.

Her worst fear. Her gut feeling. Her eyes begin to water. Hes breaking up with her.

But I think its time we go our separate ways. We are going in two different directions in life. I am going out of state to go to a university while you stay here and try to make a living out of  your  little hobbies. I can't be with someone who has no real goal in her life. Besides once were in different states we won't see each other. Its really for the best. High school sweet hearts never last anyway. I wish you a happy life. Goodbye. 

- Nick

Tears run down her face and Sara hugs her. She knew it. She knew it was coming. Little things here and there, but last night solidified it. 

Sophia pulls  away from Sara wiping her face trying to calm down. Trying to pull the mask of happiness on. To show that shes not affected even as her heart breaks into a million pieces. 

"Its his loss anyway. Im a fucking catch. Im the best thing thats ever happened to him!" She says venom lacing every word. "IF IT WASN'T FOR ME HE WOULD HAVE NEVER GOTTEN INTO THAT SCHOOL! I WAS TOP OF OUR CLASS!" she says standing up voice getting louder as her heart breaks more and anger fills her. 

"I know Sophie. I know. Before you he was failing. I know you helped so much babe, and he lost such a wonderful girl. I know it feels like the world is falling apart and your heart is breaking into a million pieces, but it will get better and he will regret losing you." Sara says pulling into another hug.

Sophia lets herself fall apart. She falls into her friends, her big sisters arms and cries. They stay there for an hour or so while Sophia calms down. Sophia's head in Sara's lap while she plays with her hair.

"Are you okay now?" Sara asks looking down at Sophia's red face and puffy eyes. Sophia has no strength to say words she only nods her head and slowly gets out of Sara's lap.

"Do you want to go get dinner? My treat," Sara says trying to cheer up her little sister. Sophia just gives her a side eye and shakes her head.

Sophia clears her throat and with a raspy voice says, "No Sara. Im not hungry. I want to go home." 

"Okay. Do you want me to follow you home?" Sara says watching her rise from the couch and grabbing her things.

"No. I can get home on my own." she says quietly, "Thank you for being there for me."  She cleans her eyes once more fixes her hair and clothes and walks out the front door with her mask on. A  mask of calmness and no hurt in sight. 

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