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It's been three years since the break up between Sophia Grace and Nick.  Sophia went to cosmetology school and finished in a year. While she was in school her and Sara left the salon they worked at and Sara opened her own. Sophia was her assistant for the time she was in school and started taking clients right away.
Slowly her heart started to heal. She threw herself into work and school to keep distracted. Danny also helped a lot by doing things they use to enjoy and trying new things. Slowly things stopped being friendly and started to turn romantic. Sophia tried to stop it. Tried to distance herself, but things just happened so naturally she also didn't want to stop it. She tried to end them before things got to serious. Although it had been over a year since the break up she felt like things were to soon. She didn't want to use her best friend to get over her first love.
One night, like any other night they were at their favorite park hanging out and just waisting the night away. They were laying on the grass when he suddenly rolled over and pulled her into a kiss. Their first kiss. She kissed back, she had wanted him to do that for weeks. That night her told her everything. About how he's always loved her and still does. About the day he was going to ask her out but Nick did it first.
Danny was shaking the whole time he was talking to her. He didn't want to ruin this friendship, but he couldn't miss the opportunity again. Sophia listened. She didn't talk until he was done. She was shaking because this was actually happening. When he was talking they sat in silence for a minute. Sophia soaking everything in.
"Are you going to-" Sophia cuts him off by kissing him. She kissed him with a passion and a different kind of hunger. Not the hunger Nick use to kiss her with. Danny returned the same passion and hunger. That night they made things official. They're now two years strong.
Danny is still in college studying to be a veterinarian. The two of them also moved into their first apartment 2 month ago.
No one has heard from nor have they seen nick since he left for college 3 years ago. Sophia Grace doesn't really care anymore, she harbors no ill will towards the boy she once loved, she simply does not care. Her parents still live next door to his and she will stay hi when she sees them. They did nothing wrong to her after all just their son.   After they found out about the break up they came over and checked on her. They tried to cheer her up even though their presence only brought her pain. She kindly asked them not to bring him up nor tell her how he was doing. When her and Danny finally got together they where so happy for them. They got to know Danny some more with Nick not around and they grew to lover him as they loved Sophia Grace. They even helped them move into their apartment and bought them a dinning room set. For a while it hurt her to keep the relationship with his parents and she tried to avoid them, but sometimes she would see the hurt look on his mothers face  and couldn't do that to her.
Everything in Sophia graces life has been going great. That was until the phone calls started back in November when her and Danny moved in together. The phone calls were always from a private number. She couldn't block nor mute the calls. They started once in a while and no one ever was on the other side. Then last week they started happening once a week and she would be able to movement in the background.
A private number. Her heart drops. She's home alone getting ready for work, She feels uneven.
"Hello?" She says trying to keep her voice steady.
"Hi Hita its grandma. How are you?" She hears on the other end. Thank God. A weight is lifted from her shoulders. 
"Hi grandma. I'm good how are you?" She asks putting her phone on speaker and continues to get ready for work.
"Good good! I was calling because I wanted to come in and get my hair done. I tried to call the salon but no one answered."
"Oh yeah sorry were looking for a new front desk. Everyone must be too busy to answer. Does 6 tonight work?"
"Oh okay. Yeah that works. I'll let you go so you can finish what your doing. I love you," she says and hangs up.
"Love you too," Sophia says to no one.
She finishes what she's doing grabs her things and heads out.
As shes walking to her car in the parking garage she has the feeling like someone's watching her. She puts her keys between her fingers throws her phone in her purse and walks faster to her car. She quickly unlocks it and jumps in locking it right away. She looks around and starts her car.
Oh no. She looks at her car screen and then the call hangs up. Before she can breath a sigh of relief it rings again.
"Hello?" She says quickly answering it.
Nothing. Silence with movement in the back ground.
"Who is this?" She says sounding aggravated.
"I miss you," She hears a low voice say then a click. The line goes dead.
"What The Fuck," She says in a shaky voice. She quickly pulls out of her parking spot and speeds out of the garage.
Once she's on the main road she calls Danny.
"Hey ba-"
"It's a man," she says cutting him off.
"the calls. He talked. He said i miss you then hung up. I couldn't recognize the voice. I barley caught the I miss you," She says still shaking, "I think they were in our garage. I felt like someone was watching me and the moment i got in and locked the car he called me."
"Where are you now?"
"10 minutes from the salon."
"Stay in your car until I'm there. I'm walking you Into the salon." He says and she hears shuffling.
"Okay. I love you."
"I love you too. See you soon," he says and hangs up.
She sits in her car in quite as she waits. Looking around constantly. Clicking the door lock every so often just to double check that her doors are locked.
She jumps as her phone rings again. She just stairs at it while it rings. Again private number. She doesn't answer. She lets it rings till it hangs up.
She gets a text.

I'm here walking to your car now. Don't be scared

She looks up and sees Danny walking to her car. She grabs her things and jumps out of her car. She quickly walks to him and hugs him.
"Hey hey hey everything is okay," He says wrapping his arms around her.
"That was the scariest thing ever," She says hugging him tighter.
"I know i know," He says rubbing her back trying to soother her, "Everything's okay now."
He lets go over and grabs her bags and they walk into the salon. He helps her set up for her first client while she goes and puts her food away and gets her color log for the day.
"Hey Danny," Sarah says as she walks out of her office.
"Hi Sarah," He says giving her a hug.
"What are you doing here?"
"Gracie got another call... but this time the person talked."
"What the fuck?" Sarah says shocked.
"He told me he missed me," Sophia says walking from the back room over to them.
"Who could it be?" Sarah says pulling Sophia grace into a safe hug.
"I don't know. I couldn't recognize the voice. It was low and he almost like whispered it." Sophia says wrapping her arms around her.
"Okay Gracie i have to get back to School. I'll be back to walk you to your car after work," Danny says pulling her away from Sarah.
"You don't need too. My grandma is my last client tonight. We'll walk out together. You know her. Grandpa drops her off and i take her home." Sophia says hugging her boyfriend.
"Okay okay, just be safe and call me when your pulling up to the garage so i can come get you," He says then leans down and pecks her lips. She nods her head in agreement.
"I love you," She says with a small smile on her fave.
"I love you too," he says with a slight smile and pecks her one last time. With that he says bye to Sarah and the other girls and walks out the salon.

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