Chapter 31

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===Mangle's POV===

The morning rays of late morning sunlight. I always thought they looked beautiful, but this morning. I just wish that I could turn off the sun. My head pounds from within my skull and my eyes are both dry and sensitive. I groan loudly as I move my covers from on top of me and struggle to sit up. My hair falls in my face in a tangled mess blocking my vision and giving me a little reprieve from the sunlight. I let out a soft breath as a soft gust of wind shivers down my bare skin causing goosebumps to rise. That's weird, I never leave the window open at night. I think to myself as I climb out of bed and shut the slightly open window. The sunlight assaults my eyes as I draw the curtains shut, relieved at the darkness. I let out another small sigh, which is when I notice...

"Wait a minute... why am I naked!" I shout with surprise, and I let out another yelp of surprise when the sound of covers rustling is immediately followed by a soft moan of tiredness. I spin around to face my bed when the face of Roxy pops out from under the covers. There is tiredness in her eyes, but a small smug and devious grin on her lips. I can't see the rest of her body, but I can imagine that her clothes are just as absent.

"I can answer that for you darling~" She says in a rather seductive tone. I can feel my face glow bright red as I do my best to cover myself up with a throw blanket that I keep at the foot of my bed. As I do so, Roxy just chuckles to herself.
"You know you don't have to cover anything," Her gaze narrows, looking me up and down slowly, sensually.
"I've already explored all there is to see~" My face grows even hotter and more red as she speaks. My words seem to get clogged in the depths of my throat, making speaking difficult, but speak I do.

"What are you doing in my bed! And why are you naked as well! And why-" Just then it clicks and the memories of last night start to slowly come back to me. As they do, I only find myself wishing that they would've stayed away the more and more they pour into my head.
"Oh god... oh my god... OH MY GOD!" I scream, my face feels as though it might melt off my skull as I stand there in the middle of my room, paralyzed and wide-eyed.

"There's nothing that you need to be ashamed of Mangle, last night was... amazing~" She again gives me that stare of lustfulness. Undressing me again with her eyes, though, there is not much to undress at the moment.

"Roxy how did we- Why did we..." I keep trying to form a full sentence but the words can never seem to escape my lips the way I need them to. It doesn't matter though, Roxy starts to climb off the bed, completely comfortable with being naked in front of me. I can't help but avert my eyes out of respect for privacy, but then again, does that even matter now? But before I can even answer that question for myself, she puts her fingers under my chin, forcing me to look up only slightly to meet her eyes, which have turned kind and empathetic towards my panic.

"Mangle. Honestly, there is nothing wrong with what we did. There is nothing wrong with what you did. I know that you're panicking because you were raised on the notion of man for woman and woman for man. You've never considered being with another woman. But you would've pushed me away last night if you didn't have certain curiosities deep within your subconscious. Am I wrong?" Her touch is so gentle as she cradles my chin in her hand, brushing her thumb across my cheek. It's so warm

"I don't know." Is all I can manage to say after a short silence, but Roxy seemed to expect this, giving me a small smile.

"That's okay. No doubt you feel like your world has been turned upside down. Take time to consider this possibility Mangle. Open your eyes to a  whole new world of possibilities, and then give me a call. Okay?" I hesitate for a moment before nodding.
"Good, now... which way to the showers?" Without another word, I guide Roxy to the bathroom, still averting my eyes while she gathers her clothes and heads in, closing the door behind her.

What. The. Fuck.

===Foxy's POV===

"Battle of the Bands?" I ask a little skeptically as Bonnie and Freddy both vibrate with giddiness.
"I don't know guys. Music is supposed to be about having fun and telling a story, doesn't turning music into a fight kind of defeat that purpose?"

"No man! Not at all! Plus, this particular tournament is being hosted by a huge label company. If we win, we will finally be signed and we can finally release albums like we've always talked about!" Bonnie explains, stars filling his eyes, but I can't help but still be a little skeptical about the whole thing.

"I really don't know guys... Chica, what do you think?"

"Hmm? Oh, well... If it'll get us a record deal then... I don't see the harm in participating." She says a little timidly, fiddling with her drumsticks, accidentally losing grip of one when she finally looks up into my eyes. It crashes against one of the cymbals and clatters onto the high tom, and then down to the snare until it finally lands on the floor with a soft thud.
"oops." She says to herself quietly.

"Look man, just because it's called 'Battle of the Bands' doesn't mean you have to treat it like it's a fight. We've seen your history with fights. Let's just go play this thing, and have fun while doing it, yeah?" I'm still a little uneasy about the whole thing, but I cave to them.

"Alright, fine. We'll play in the tournament. I don't really have much of a choice since it's three on one." I sigh and run my fingers through my hair, taking immediate notice of how long it's gotten. It has just barely started to touch the base of my neck, which is longer than I've ever had it before.

"Something the matter Foxy?" Chica asks, being the only one to notice that I've started to anxiously play with my hair.

"Oh it's nothing, I just didn't realize that my hair had got this long is all."

"Do you think that it looks bad? Cause I really like it. It suits you." Chica says with a small blush running across her face. But I deny that I think it looks bad.

"I'm just surprised is all." I say walking over to the mirror hanging on the wall and examining my face. I can't help but shiver at the sight of myself as I stare into the face of the ghost of my father. Trying not to dwell on the sight too much, I turn back to face my friends who stare at me with confused and worried faces.

"Dude, are you alright?" Freddy asks setting down his bass. 

"Hm? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just some deja vu I suppose." I say heading over to the couch and slumping myself down as Madison walks in from the kitchen.

"What are we talking about?" She asks taking the spot next to me and flashing me a quick, small smile. I deny that the conversation was about anything, but Bonnie and Freddy both chime in to explain my strange actions. All I can do is grumble.

"Alright fine, you all must know, I was- I mean, I... I just look a lot like my dad is all." I finally manage out. I can't lie and say that he doesn't still hurt to talk about, but it's a bit more manageable now. On top of the fact that I still just don't like talking about my trauma.
"He's died when I was really young, so it's a little unnerving to see his face when I look at myself."

"Oh my god, Foxy I had no idea. I'm so sorry." Madison says apologetically while leaning a little on me and placing her hand on mine. I can't help but notice how warm her hand is, but it's different. It's uncomfortable in comparison to my memories of Mangle's touch, yet still comfortable in its warmth.

"It's fine." I say a little colder than I meant to, not that anyone seemed to notice.

"If you don't mind me asking. How'd he die?" Chica chimes in from the back of the room, a heavy empathy in her deep magenta eyes. Instantly a debate starts in my head like a whirlwind. I stare down at the floor as my head spins until I become dizzy within my own thoughts. Madison no doubt could sense my distress and squeezes my hand slightly bringing me out of my own head. I turn to look at her while she gives a reassuring smile, the look in her eyes speaking to me as if to say, "Everything is going to be okay, you can tell us."  Seeing this, I take a deep breath and start telling the story of my father and that dark, fateful night.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 (FNaF College) (Book 2 of 3)Where stories live. Discover now