Chapter 13

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But it was all a lie.

===Foxy's POV===

I stare with an emotionless gaze at a sight that makes me sick to my stomach. That makes my blood boil. That makes me want to scream. I stare at a sight that makes me feel the shattered pieces of my life finally break and fall back into the void. Deeper even. Deeper into the place that I tried so hard to claw my way out of. The light was so close, but in the end, the light is fleeting. It's drawing further from me as I stretch out my hand, trying so desperately to grab hold of it. But it's already too late. The light has gone out. Everything has once again faded to black.My eyes have glazed over in a heavy haze as I stare onward at the sight of Mangle. Her arms are wrapped around his neck. Like she used to do with me. She's standing up on her tiptoes just to be tall enough. Like she used to have to do with me. She's kissing him. Like she used to kiss me. I can feel burning tears form in my eyes and fall to the floor. I can feel my body paralyzed. My mind screams at me to move. To do something. But no actions are forthcoming. So there I stand unable to move as hundreds of students, it seems, crowd all around me. They dance and drink without care, not aware of what is happening before them. I can feel myself shaking with rage, or with misery, I can't tell. All I know is that my entire body is quivering, and the tears are burning my eyes and falling to the floor.

You said you'd always love me. Was that a lie? Was everything a lie? It wasn't for me. It wasn't a lie to me because it burns. It aches. It's ripping my heart to shreds. The voice in my head screams. She actually did it. She moved on. She lied to me, told me that she still loved me, but here she is. Her spit on his tongue.

It only takes a moment, one that seemed to last an eternity for me, for them to break apart and for her to turn around and see me. Her cheeks are a little rosy, no doubt from drinking, but I'm not focused on that. I find myself more focused on the look in her eyes. That widened look of horror, of surprise. She stammers over her words, looking for something, anything, but none comes to her. Slowly, she begins to walk forward towards me. But with every step that she takes towards me, I find myself taking a step back, away from her.

"Foxy I-" She tries to start, but it's already too late for any words. It's too late for that now.

"Wait, Foxy. Please-" But I don't let her finish before I begin yelling.

"No. No! Get away from me." I yell, over the loud music and loud people but she doesn't stop. Still she continues to press on.

"I said get the fuck away from me!" I finally scream causing a silence to fall on the people all around us. Finally though, Mangle stops her advance and just stares at me with heart-brokeness in her eyes. My eyes don't leave hers, but I can feel the stares coming from all around. I can hear their whispers. Slowly I can feel the anger boiling down in my stomach. My stomach churns with rage and heart break that I leave the house and head back out to the backyard. I shove my way through the crowd still gathered before the stage. They cheer back up and are ready for another performance as are Freddy, Bonnie and, Chica but I can't stay here another second longer. Harshly I grab the mic and pull it towards my mouth.

"Show's over." I say with malice and contemptment in my voice. The entire crowd is in an uproar as are the others who try to pull me back to talk to me, but I shake away from their grasps and jump off the stage. Making my way through enraged drinkers and partyers, a couple of which shove at my arms, but I can't feel them. I can't hear them. All I hear is the void. All I can feel is nothing. It's not like it's anything new. I lived with this feeling for so long. I felt nothing. I couldn't feel anything, so why does this hurt so bad? Why does it ache? Why does it burn?I hastily make my way inside again, shoving past more people while Mangle tries to grab hold of my hand. She calls after me. She screams after me. Willing that I come back. That I listen to her. But I can't look at her. I can't hear her. In some feat of swiftness, she makes her way in front of me, blocking my path. Her arms are stretched out preventing me from walking around her. There is regret in her voice as she speaks to me.

"Please Foxy wait! Let me explain!" And with all that rage building up inside of me, I glare down at her with resentment seeming to drip from my eyes. I speak with a malice that resonates off my words in a potent manner.

"Get out of my way." I growl and I can see the fear residing in the very depths of her eyes, but still she doesn't move.

"Just listen please!" She begs more, but her pleads fall on deaf ears. With more strength than I intended to use, I push Mangle aside and continue on towards the front door, feeling a pair of hands grab my arm and hold me back.

"Let go of me Mangle!" I yell, trying to pull my arm away from her grasp, but she hold firm. I try again and again, each time with more strength behind my pulling until eventually she loses her grip and I swing the front door open and walk out into the now very bitter night. She doesn't stop her pursuit, still calling after me, still running after me. My head is in such a war with itself that it is hard to think straight. I can't think of what is worth fighting for anymore. All I want to do is scream. All I want to do is run, run until I die. At least then both Mangle and I would be satisfied. She said that she wanted to hate me, but couldn't, maybe now she does. Maybe now she found it in herself to finally hate me for the hell that I subjected her to.

"I said get away from me, Mangle!" I shout back through the tears still gush and pour from my eyes. But she doesn't. She doesn't stop chasing after me. At this point I'm running, my arms pump and my legs carry me closer to my car. I just want to get away from here. I need to get away from her. This whole scene is so familiar to me, the act of me running from her and her chasing after me. Except, back then I was running cause I was afraid of the feelings that I had for her... Now... Now I run from her cause I can't stand the sight of her. It makes me sick to know that her spit is still on his tongue. I feel myself getting sick to my stomach. I feel the bile rising up the back of my throat as I run, breathing heavily through the tears.

"I can't Foxy! I just can't anymore! I love you, and I need you back!" She yells back barely able to keep pace with me.

"It doesn't look like it from where I'm standing!" Finally, I reach my car. I shoot my hand into my pocket and fumble with my keys, trying to get the right one to unlock the door. I can't in time, and Mangle catches up to me, jumping on me in a hug, begging me not to leave again, but I rip her grasp off and push her away from me, standing my ground.

"You lied to me! Don't you get that? You betrayed me!" I scream at her while she stands there in surprise at my harshness, but I don't stop there.

"To think that I actually cried over you every night! To think I spent every night laying awake because I couldn't sleep because of you! To think that I spent my every waking moment hating myself because of what I did!" My voice comes out broken as I scream through this pain and sorrow. As I scream through the anger that makes my throat burn and aches with every word."To think, I actually got over what I did... To think that I was going to try and apologize to you... What a fucking idiot I am." I say finally calming down a little and lowering my voice. My eyes fall to the ground, letting my tears stain the sidewalk we stand on. Mangle doesn't move. She doesn't do anything to try and comfort me. I grit my teeth and continue to speak through them."But all of that was in vain. All that suffering, in vain. All in vain because you lied to me. You said that you would always love me. You said that you couldn't hate me, but I know. I know that you do hate me, whether you realize it or not."

"But I do-"

"You do! Otherwise, you wouldn't have moved on. Otherwise, you wouldn't have been all over that guy."

"But I haven't moved on. I'm still in love with you." But at this point, all her words fall on my deaf ears.

"Don't lie to me. Don't keep trying to lie to me. You don't love me, not anymore. So, just... stay the fuck away from me!" Finally, I finish with poison, malice, and contempt dripping off my words that I spoke in between my sobs of despair. Without so much as another word to her, I unlock my car door, climbing inside and leaving her standing there on the sidewalk alone.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 (FNaF College) (Book 2 of 3)Where stories live. Discover now