The beginning...

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"So my good friend, have you decided who to produce? We have a wide selection of talented stars waiting to shine!" A man in a brown business suit exclaimed towards me while raising his arms as if to show emphasis.

I had no idea how i have gotten into this place. First, i recall walking down the street and this man called for me and dragged me into his office, saying something about me having some potential and now I'm in what seemed to be a small enclosed office... 765 Production agency...? Not much room eh? But, on the topic at hand... Producing...?

Well, I have been planning on producing in the later future, but i had not expected fate to rush me on producing now... I have zero experience about properly producing an idol although I know the basics, but still... I am but an average cut and paste streotypical man who had no plans for his future... ... ...So why not? "Ahaha, well mr. --?" Before i had finished my statement, the man who seemed to be the president of this agency stated. "Takagi. You can call me boss if you'd like! Ahahahaha!" An echoing laugh. Not a shady sinister laugh, but rather a kind and caring one... This shouldn't be that hard... I'm sure I can handle it. I had this chance now so why waste it?

...Alright, I shouldn't have problems with this, I'll just have to wing it if I get stumped on occassion...

I can do this...

"Hey sonny, are you okay? You seem to be grimacing... If my bringing you here seem to be a wrong choice then perhaps I --" "No! I'll do it...! Er... Boss!" I said as i finally determined my answer and smiled with a firm resolution to help this girl, whoever she may be to be number one! "That's the spirit! Ahahaha! I knew you have something special in you! To be honest, we only have one producer at the moment, so we could use help from someone like you!" Said boss smiling nonchalantly with the heavy facts.

An agency who doesn't have much producers...? No! I cannot let myself be fazed by this... I can do this!

"I-I see ahaha... Well fate has led me here so I will do my best with my utmost capabilities boss!" "Excellent sonny! *ahem* Now, have you any experiencing in producing idols before?" "Not in the least boss!" I said with conviction that I haven't noticed how stupid I sounded. I swear I saw a huge sweatdrop forming in boss's face.

"Ahahaha! Well, your spirit is commendable enough! But for starters, you should only choose one idol to start you up on your producing journey." Boss said while placing 9 folders on his table... As I scanned each folder, I noticed how unique each idol is either from their appearances or simply by their smiles... Amami... Kikichi... Kisaragi... Minase... Ah! I seem to have found my idol to produce!

"Boss! I'd like to produce Miura Azusa-san!" I said with a satisfied smile. "Ahh, Azusa-chan... She is the eldest of all the idols here and she is quite mature but a brilliant one nonetheless. You should see her at the vocal training room since she is doing her voice lessons at the moment." Boss said as he stood up and fixed the other application folders and stopped midway and said "A word of advice... Do be precise when giving her directions... She tends to wander easily..." What does he mean by that? I wonder...

Anyway, as i finished my talk with boss and went down the stairway while searching for the training room I kept on thinking I finally have someone to produce... my career is about to begin! This is truly exciting!

We will aim for top idol and reach it in no time!

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