ten, the falling

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THE FALLING,stand still like the hummingbird

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stand still like the hummingbird.

When Vinnie got a phone call from a hysterical Jules, he couldn't help but to feel pissed off.

Not at me.

But at Elliot.

"Yo what's up—" Elliot didn't even have time to finish his sentence before he was cut off by a fist pounding into his face. "What the fuck?!"

Vinnie then proceeded to grab the boy by two shoulders and then slam him into the wall. "You fucking knew Rue was doing drugs and didn't say anything?!"

Elliot stood shaking due to both the pain and the fear circling his body. "It wasn't my place to—"


His head was thrown onto the wall behind him. "Bullshit! Now because of you Rue's god knows where and Jules is in a fucking state." The dirty blonde screamed at him.

"I didn't mean for this to happen." He tells Vinnie, feeling the concussion take over his body.

"Yeah well it did." Vinnie gave him one final punch before leaving the apartment.

He looked down at his fist and winced when he saw it starting to bruise.

Now I wouldn't say Elliot deserved that, but I wouldn't say he didn't either.

But if you ever voiced how shitty that was of Vinnie, he would block it out. You would never know if he felt guilty or not. He would just give you a blank expression.

Overall he was a pretty laid back guy.

That's until you fuck with someone he cares deeply about.

And that's exactly how the case of Nicholas Parton started.

Not a lot of people really knew the truth about this story. I only knew bits and pieces cause well, Vinnie would do anything he could to avoid the main point.

But what I do know for sure was Nick was his best friend.

Well Nick and Adam.

You know in TV shows when there would be an angel and devil on the main characters shoulder? Yeah well that pretty much explained the trio's friendship.

Adam was the sweetheart with the big heart who tended to be the moral compass.

And Nick wasn't.

Nick could be a real jerk. There was times he wasn't and was actually a good friend to Vinnie. In fact, Vinnie wasn't even aware that Nick was an asshole to most of the kids that went to their school.

That was purely because Nicolas was a sneaky bastard who knew exactly what he was doing.

Sure, Vinnie was a nice guy but he scared the living shit out of most people, which was exactly why Nicolas thought he could walk around school acting and doing as he pleaded since his best friend was practically a suit of armour.

Vinnie met Adam during his first year, his grades weren't the best which then caused Adam to become his tutor ans then they became buds from there.

Adam always happened to be the victim of some humiliating prank pulled by Nick.

But this one day, he took it too far.

Vinnie walked into his dorm room, exhausted from all the crawling drills they did during the enrichment.

But he instantly paused when he heard quiet sobbing from his roommate.

"Hey, what's up dude?" The dirty blonde, walked closer to the bed before crouching down beside him.

Adam didn't respond though, he just stared blankly at Vinnie without saying a word. That's when Vincent noticed the bruises on his face, accompanied by swelling. "Adam? Who did this?"

The brunette boy let out a shaky breath. "Nick locked me in a closet and put a bunch of boxing machines in there too..."

"He did what?!" Vinnie shot up, feeling anger take over his body.

"It's whatever, he always pulls these type of pranks." Adam shook his head, slowly getting up following after the dirty blonde.

"Well he shouldn't." The other boys jaw clenched before he waltzed straight to Nick's dorm.

Part of him felt betrayed. It was his best friend and he didn't really know what person he exactly was. He had more faith in him and now he was pissed. Not only at Nick but at himself for not sensing any red flags.

When he asked Nick's roommate where he was, he located the boy and was ready to start serious shit. He wanted the bruises on Adam's face to be duplicated onto his.

When he entered the science room, he say Nicolas stare down to the sight below, almost as if he knew he was coming.

"What type of villain shit is this." Vinnie muttered underneath his breath before giving Nick a shove.

"What the hell?!"

"You think it's okay to bully people?" The dirty blonde grabbed him by his shoulders, digging his nails into his school in the process.

"I don't bully anyone!" Nick tried to defend himself, but that only seemed to make Vinnie more mad.

"Stop lying!" Vinnie shoved him again, making the two head closer and closer towards the edge of the building.

"Who did I bully then?" Nicolas winced at the pain he received due to Vinnie's grip.


Now Nick knew his friendship with Vinnie was screwed, so he didn't see any point in trying to defend himself further. "I'll do it again."

There was a beat. All Vinnie did was stare at him. That was before he gave him a hard shove, sending Nicolas nearly flying off the roof. However due to his reflexes he built on during the military enrichment, he managed to cling onto the ledge.

Panic rushed over his face. "Vinnie, I'm sorry! Just help me up!" When he saw the look Vinnie's face he knew he wasn't going to last. "My hands are slipping!"

But Vinnie just stared.

The next thing he knew he was sent to the police station for questioning.

my birthday is in three hours 😩

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