fifteen, girlfriend

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GIRLFRIEND,a thousand little trees of blood

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a thousand little trees of blood.

Maddy slightly shivered when she places the disc back in the case. The only reason she was showed Vinnie was because she trusted him and she knew he'd know exactly what to do.

"Jesus fuck, Maddy..." Vinnie tried to process what the hell he jaw saw.

"What should we do...?" The brunette questioned him with worried eyes. Having that disc slightly scared her and she knew it'd only be a matter of time before Nate would be chasing her for it.

"You give it to Jules." He says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Wait that's it?" She stared at him confused as anything.

"I know you wanna get back at Nate but this isn't the way to. Jules is your friend." He explained to her as he gently rested his hand on top of hers.

"You're right," She nodded a moment after deep thought. "Maybe I won't like hand it to her, then she'll feel embarrassed that I know about it and I don't want her to feel that way."

Vinnie smiled, proud of her for actually deciding not to get petty revenge. "We could write a note then i'll drop it off to her house."

So once the two teens had their plan, Vinnie put up the hood on his sweatshirt, getting ready to leave the house.

"Wait, Vinnie, there's something I need to tell you..." Maddy stopped him from leaving the house. When she got his full attention she inhaled sharply. "I'm going to go college really really really far." She gulped as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"That's if you get accepted because well you're not the smartest." He teased with an all too familiar smirk. Maddy gasped and hit him on his chest playfully. "I'm kidding...I'm proud of you for wanting to get the fuck away."

"You're not like mad or anything?" For some reason she thought he was gonna be pissed at her and throw a tantrum like Nate always did.

"No, why would I be? You're doing what you need to do. Like obviously i'm going to miss my girlfriend-" He started with a shrug Maddy quirked her eyebrows at him.

"Who's your girlfriend? Because it sure as hell ain't me. Nobody's asked me to be their girlfriend." She sassed, removing her hands from him and crossing them instead.

"You're ruining it." Vinnie sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I was supposed to officially ask you on our date."

"Well then don't claim me yet." Maddy rolled her eyes as she let out a soft scoff.

"You want me to ask you now? Is that what it is?" He chuckled when he saw the look on her face.

"No shut up."

He shook his head dismissively. "Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He finally asked her.

"That was horrible, you didn't even go on your knees or anything. I should reject you and never talk to you ever again because of how bad that was." Maddy ranted as she genuinely shuddered.

Vinnie sighed before giving in and getting on one knee. "Do you, Madeline Charlotte Perez-"

"That's not my middle name."

He however ignored her and proceeded. "Would you give me the honour and be my girlfriend?"

"That wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst either. I guess I'll be your girlfriend." She grinned while Vinnie stood up again. "Be safe." She told him before giving his lips a quick peck.

"Have I ever been not safe?" He joked causing her to shoot him a look. "Relax, i'll be fine."

Maddy paused for a second, furrowing her eyebrows.


"Would you ever like, carry out a murder with me?" She questioned him with a devious smirk on her face. "Like real grisly." She added.

"Like Bonnie and Clyde?" He asked with a small chuckle, imagining him and his now girlfriend as the iconic television couple.

"Exactly like Bonnie and Clyde." She nodded, thinking about murdering Cassie in numerous ways.

"I mean, i'll always have your back." Vinnie shrugged, lifting up the cd in his hand. "Try not to kill anyone while i'm gone,  yeah?"

Once Vincent and Maddy bid their goodbyes, Vinnie walked out to his car but he paused when he saw a face that gave him flashbacks.

"You've grown up quiet a lot." Keres smirked, sensing the amount of anger Vinnie felt at the moment.

Vinnie clenched his jaw as his breathing started to increase. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Can't I just pay my son a little visit?" The older man looks at the dirty blonde with a fake innocence.

"I sure as hell aren't your son." Vinnie spat. "Get lost, Keres. Stay away from me and my mom."

"You've got a girlfriend now, right?" Keres asked with the smirk present on his face again.

"Stay the fuck away from Maddy too." Vinnie walked closer to him, in an attempt to be intimidating.

"So she has a name!" Keres chuckled feeling extremely amused.

"I mean it." The teen poked his father on his chest firmly. "I'll fucking kill you if you do anything to her."

Keres simply raised his arms up in surrender before letting out another small chuckle. "Relax. I never said I was gonna do anything to your precious doll." He then turned on his hills and walked away.

Vinnie watched him walk away in pure distress. He had a feeling he was up to something and he didn't like it one bit.

surprise 😛

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