Part 4: Banana Man

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 Dark blue clouds blew across the night sky, revealing a bright yellow moon. Its gleaming beams shone down to the garden, landing on a red banana flower.

Purple veins that crisscross the red flower started to glimmer. Huge green leaves parted and a pair of strong naked legs dropped to the grassy ground.

They walked with purpose towards the open window. All the while, the neighborhood slept in deep slumber. Like a mysterious mist, the air hung heavily, only to allow him to enter the room.

On a bed, a middle aged woman laid. Her head resting in an angle on the satin pillow, looking like a bride awaiting her groom.


Miss Lim, a single woman of 50, lived alone in her beautiful bungalow. A lush green garden flourish at the back. There were all kinds of tropical shrubs, many of which displayed wonderful blooms. However, her prize was the giant banana tree, standing proudly in the center. Its huge green leaves were six feet long, and they always shone like they were freshly polished.

"Never marry a man you love," her mother had said on many occasions. Nearly a hundred she was when she died.

Well, Miss Lim had remained single till this day. Her neighbors wonder how she managed to be so happy without a husband.

They would never find out.


It was ten years ago when Miss Lim went to the garden center. She was taking a few days off work because she felt depressed. Her friends were always talking about family. "My husband this," or "My husband that," or else it was "My children this," or "My children that."

She had enough of such talks. Her friends meant well, but how could they ever imagine what she was going through. Past the age of 40 and still a virgin. She had no place to hide her face.


"Morning, how can I help?" a handsome young gardener greeted her. He was shirtless, and sweat glistened on his hard chest, with nipples that stood out like some ripe berries.

Miss Lim took in a couple of deep breaths before she could even managed a "Morning."

He took her round the large center and showed her many beautiful plants. But it was obvious that the lady was distracted. Those ripe berries were too delicious not to be eaten.

The air was humid, with the floral scent of all the tropical blooms around them. She leaned on him and said, "Sorry, I feel faint. Please hold me tight."

Miss Lim had started to perspire.


At the end of the day, she had bought this monstrosity of a tree. The young gardener had promised her this was a prize she could not afford to miss. "There is a secret to this tree," he whispered in her ear. The very warmth of his breath made her breathless again, and she started to lean on him.

So, she had taken the tree home, and planted it in her garden. The secret he told her that day was to remain a secret all her life. No, there was no way she would ever share it with anyone alive on this planet.

She had to wait a month before a green bud appeared. Miss Lim came out into her garden each day just to look at it, watching it grow into a huge red banana flower.

The time was ripe. She would do it tonight.


Under the warm morning sun, Miss Lim stood by her banana tree. It was not the same tree she bought 10 years ago, because it is replaced by a young shoot every year. No matter, the spirit of her tree has served her well. Each time she sticks the needle into its red flower, and tie the end of the red string to her big toe, he had come, in the dead of the night.

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