You're freezing

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Rosé was having the weekend off for the first time in a few weeks, you guys obviously wanted to make this weekend special.

So you both decided to go to the beach and watch the stars that were floating above you in the sky.

You guys have been lying there for about 2 hours now and it started getting colder.

You realized you're getting goosebumps from the fresh wind that was hitting against your body.
You cuddled up to Rosé, seeking for warmth.

"Are you alright, darling?" She asked you as she stroked her hand over your arm noticing you had gotten goosebumps.

"Yeah, it's just gotten cold" you simply replied, feeling her comforting touch.

"If you're cold we can go home we've been sitting here for a while now." She looked down at you, smiling as your eyes locked.

"No, I'm fine." You said, you were extremely cold by now but you didn't want to go home yet.

You wanted to keep laying in her embrace and stay like this forever.

But she noticed you shivering and that was the point where she didn't want to stay here any longer, you were obviously freezing.

You guys could cuddle up in your shared bed room, all warm any way.

"lets go home. you're freezing, and i don't want you catching a cold." She said, already standing up from the blanket you guys brought there.

"Okay.." You said, you were feeling a bit stupid for thinking she'd not notice you freezing. But you were also happy that she noticed it.

She cared.

"Baby, you can walk to the car I will just get our stuff." She said handing you the key's.

"Thanks, I love you Rosie." You could do nothing but blush.

"I love you too," She said giving you a quick kiss. "Now go to the car I don't want you to get sick."
She tucked your hair behind your ear, turning around to grab your stuff.

Once y'all arrived at home you guys got ready for bed and watched movies till you fell asleep in each others arms, you've never felt so safe with somebody like you do with Rosie.

You hoped she'd dream about you, and that was exactly what she did.

Rosé Imagines (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now