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I'm in the mood for angst.

Also, yes, double upload. Be grateful, children.

Oh my god, Murderer!Ennard and Prince!Michael AU?! It can't be!

⚠️TW!!: Mentions of Kidn@pping, Murd3r, Bl00d, Kniv3s⚠️
If I missed any warnings please tell me!

💙💚?! 😨


3rd person.

His gun shined as he spun it around his finger. He was bored out of his mind and didn't have anything to do. Nobody had requested him to kill in ages and he hadn't made any money.

He needed business and he needed it fast.


He turned around and saw his partner running towards him, looking extremely out of breath.

"Hi George."

His partner stopped and breathed heavily, bending over and hands on his knees. His glasses almost fell off of his head but he straightened (gayened) himself up before they could.

"Enn! We have business!"

"We do?"

"Yep! Come look!"

They walked towards their alley and saw a woman standing there, tapping her foot as if she only had a minute before she had to go.
She also looked extremely posh.

Her short honey hair was combed back neatly and her dress had gold accents. Her eyes were a deep ocean type of blue and her lip gloss shone in the slight sun. Heels were also planted on her feet.

"Hello ma'am."

"Finally. I thought Mr shortie brunette next to you just left me to stand here alone."


"Calm down, George. Anyway, you have business for us?"


She picked up a black suitcase that was situated at her feet and opened it, revealing at least £1000 in notes. ( Roughly $1359.42 but I used a converter so don't trust me )


"Who would we need to kill to get that much money?"

"I need you to kill the prince."

Ennard and George turned to look at each other, as if to silently ask if they should accept the offer. Despite the task being one of the hardest, it was worth a lot of money.


"We'll do it."

"Great. Bring his dead body to me by the end of the week or this money is staying with me."

She handed George a card and closed the briefcase, her smile sinister as she walked out the alley. George and Ennard looked at each other again.

"Enn, should we have accepted that?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I mean, the prince will be protected at all times, we could die before we even reach the castle."

He sighed and looked ahead, his blue eye shining and his white eye dead.

"It's worth a shot, Gogs. Let's go to the market, we need food."

"Alright, lemme change!"

He ran back into their 'home' and Ennard leaned against the alley wall. Why did he accept it? To be honest, he didn't know himself. Was it just because of the money?

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