Pink Petals(Mumskall)

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I'm still pretty new to hanahaki so sorry if I get anything wrong-
I wrote this at a friends house
Tw: blood , vomit etc.
Mumbo smiled as he stood back taking in the finished base. He had finally finished his arm chair mountain base, now it was time for a break. Maybe he would go annoy Grian and Scar who had been spending way to much time in the Swaggon or in the Alleyway. He spread the wings of his elytra and took the the air, trying to pinpoint his fellow Boatem members.
He looked in the windows of the shops of Grian's alleyway, nothing, so he headed over to Scar's place. After checking the first couple of wagons he finally found his friends.
"So when are we going to tell them?" Asked the voice of Grian.
"I don't know... are we just going to walk up to them and go, 'hey guys! We're dating!" Said Scar. Mumbo froze, Scar and Grian were dating? He felt happy that the two had finally gotten together and then he froze, he had someone he wished he had the courage to confront and say 'Hey! I like you, wanna date?' But he couldn't bring himself to, Iskall's smile, his accent, the way he laughed when Mumbo was an absolute spoon... Mumbo felt a strange tickle in the back of his throat. It was probably nothing, he flew back home, he would feel better later.

Mumbo most certainly did not feel better later, he now had a headache and the tickle in his throat had grown, he coughed and then stared in horror at what he saw. Soft pink flowers on his arm.

Oh no oh no oh no- I can't have hanahaki!
No matter how much he didn't want to have the sickness he did, he wasn't just any kind of sick, he was lovesick, you would contract hanahaki if you were in love with someone, and they didn't love you back. It first started out with a tickle in your throat, and then you would caugh up flowers, soon after that blood would accompany it, and then flowers would start growing on you, by then it was a ticking time bomb until your death.
Mumbo had three choices, confess to Iskall, attempt to change his feelings or drink a special potion to destroy his emotions.
He felt like the best option was the second but he had no idea how he could change his feelings. He had been hopelessly in love with Iskall since the Swede had joined the Archetects back in season six. He decided to just wait it out, hide in his base and try to get rid of his feelings for Iskall.
It did not go well, after a couple of days he had started to notice blood to accompany the petals, soon it went for coughs to vomit, streams of flowers and blood would come, and the Brit couldn't stop it. After a little while he noticed a flower bloom on his hand, terrified he pulled it off instantly, attempting to ignore the excruciating pain that followed. But it was no use, the small bud was followed by another, and another till Mumbo was wa walking bouquet. One day while Mumbo was sitting, once again trying to eliminate feelings for Iskall Grian walked in.
"Hey Mumbo, I haven't seen you in line two months are you-" the dirty blond froze when he saw Mumbo, flowers spouting out of him, "Oh my God- HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD HANAHAKI!?" The Brit rushed over to his mustached friend, his eyes filled with dread.
"Since I started avoiding you guys, about two months," mumbled Mumbo.
"Okay, who is it? You need to tell them, you're practically on your deathbed!"
"It's not important who he is..."
"Is it me? Because I'm already taken-"
"No gross! I mean no offense but just no."
"Who is it then?"
"Iskall..." muttered Mumbo.
"Who?" Asked Grian, clearly unable to understand the restoner.
"I said it's Iskall."
"Last time I checked he's single so it should be fine," said Grian.
"But what if he rejects me, what if he doesn't like me?"
"Than you can take a emotion killing potion, now come on," Grian dragged Mumbo out of his base and spread his wings, "Now will you fly or do ai have to carry you?"
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" The flower cover Brit followed Grian as he flew to Iskall's base
"Iskall!" Called out Grian.
"Yeah?"Said Iskall who had been standing near the entrance, "Oh, hallo Grian and Mu-" he froze when he noticed the flowers.
"Mumbo... is that hanahaki?" Mumbo nodded sheepishly, "Who is it?" Mumbo took a deep breath in and started rambling.
Mumbo was cut off by the Swede's lips touching his, the two kissed and Mumbo felt the itch that had been in his throat for far to long disappear as his face became red.
About 800 words

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